Chapter 10- I Am The One Who Winks

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Chapter 10

Hunter’s POV

It’s been two whole freaking weeks and I haven’t gotten over the “man period” issue. Damn! I didn’t get revenge on Autumn yet!

                Oh, and should I mention my parents faces when they saw that on the internet?

There had been a whole lot of business meetings these past weeks which is why I didn’t bother pranking Autumn. She didn’t bother saying anything as well.

“Mr. Smith, what do you think about this design?”

“Huh? Oh yeah. It’s great.” I said while faking a smile. I forgot. I’m in a damn meeting.


Here I am, back in our hotel, waiting for the elevator doors to open so I could let my awesome self in. After waiting for a gazillion minutes, the doors finally opened. And guess who came out the door?


She seems to be in a hurry. Thinking about last last week’s misery, I spared one last glance to the elevator girl (who was hot, by the way) and went ahead to follow Autumn.

                Oh this is going to be fun.


Surprisingly, she drove to the airport.

I scrunched my eyebrows, a few meters away from her car. Is she going away already? But what about my revenge?!

Skeptical, I followed her inside. I was about to just ditch following her and go straight up to her and say something, when I noticed that she wasn’t bringing luggage.


                So she isn’t leaving.


Autumn let her eyes roam the place while I went and hid behind a coffee shop stall. Her eyes stopped directly at the coffee shop and I legit, freaked out.

I quickly thought of a response as to why I was in the airport and hiding, but she stopped beside a girl her age and they started squealing and hugging each other.

                Pffsh. Girls.

And then an idea came.

Since Autumn’s back was facing me, I snuck up to them and once they released each other from their hug, I immediately hung my arm around Autumn’s shoulder and before she could react, I said the unthinkable.

“Hey there. I’m Autumn’s boyfriend.”


“WHAT?” Both of them shrieked at me. Although, her friend’s was more of a happy shriek, while Autumn’s was a what-the-heck-are-you-doing kind of shriek. I just shrugged at them.

                Then I heard a click.

                A camera flash-kind-of-click.

                Oh, screw paparazzi. My parents are going to blow.

“Get off of me.” Autumn silently hissed. And to her friend, “Let’s go, Mia. He’s definitely not my boyfriend.”

“So, your name’s Mia, huh?” I asked, following them.

“Yeah. You wanna come with us? I’d like to know you a bit better.” Mia said, winking at me.

Started At The AirportWhere stories live. Discover now