Chapter 1

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***Hey guys! So this is just something I wrote a LONG time ago (like two years ago, 7th grade so this really isn't that great).  It isn't even finished all the way, but I'm going to put it up here anyways!(:

So, here goes nothing!!

(err by the way I need a title I don't have one yet, I'm not even sure how this story's going to go yet.. but I made up a title so I actually have one! Any suggestions?)***

Chapter 1


I walked into homeroom dreading today's challenge that lied ahead, the E.O.C.'s.  I really truly hate them.  The whole pressure of it being an E.O.C. gets to me.  I do fine in class, why cant they just take my average in there instead of taking this STUPID test that's 50% of my final grade. I walked two feet into class and BAM Mr.S appeared.  Really? It's only 7 a.m. and they're already taking up cell phones? The test doesn't start for another 45 minutes. Mr.S holds that cold metal box labeled 'Cell Phones' in front of me, waiting for me to drop my poor baby in there.  I really feel sorry for my phone.  It has to sit in that jail cell of a box for 3 hours, near Mr.S, while I take my test.  My phone is like my baby... I'm a horrible mother!  Oops I kinda forgot I was in my own world. Mr.S cleared his throat, obviously agitated that I hadn't put my cell phone in yet.  I apologized and quickly put my phone in the box and sat down at my desk.  This was going to be the longest 3 hours ever.  I'm taking my Algebra 2 E.O.C. by the way.  Everyone just assumes I'm super smart because I'm in honors.  Which I'm so not smart.  I make average grades in there but I despise math.  I may come to school in the greatest mood ever but as soon as I walk into Algebra 2 for 1st block my mood is dead. I hate math, I really do. 


Oh it was so nice to have my dear phone again.  I jumped into my car and crank the heat up.  I hate winter as much as I hate math!  I'm just not winter person.  I love summertime, beaches, bikinis, hot guys, best friends, hot weather, no problems. Ahhh I love the beach. I'm going to live at the beach one day, I swear.  I buckle up, and turn the radio to country.  I'm just in a country mood today.  I'm either so 3oh!3, Down With Webster, and Boys Like Girls it's not even funny. Or I can't listen to anything but Taylor Swift, Jason Aldean, and Rascal Flatts.  Today is definitely country day.  I look down only to see my phone going off. It's my best friend Emilee.

"Hey boo"

Em- "Hey how was the E.O.C.?'


Em- "Figured. Good thing I didn't have any today! Wanna meet me at Starbucks?"

"You read my mind. Be there in ten minutes"

"Em- Alright see you then. I'll save our usual seat!!!"

Emilee is so hyper sometimes. She only has three emotions. 1) Totally pissed off. She looks like she could bite someones head off! 2) Depressed. She just mopes around. And 3) Giggly. She doesn't shut up it's just on and on and on and ON!  Today is obviously giggly!  


I pull into my usual spot my the tree.  I see a strangely familiar truck two spaces over.  I know a lot of people who drive trucks. Like A LOT. Yeah, I don't live in the city. I live in a remotely small town, only a few thousand people in a HUGE area.  I shake it off and walk in an sure enough there he is, two down from Emilee.

Great... just great

*picture on the right is Railynn*

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