Chapter One

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Sierra's POV

I walked downstairs and sat on the couch.For some reason,It felt as if someone was watching me.But I just shrugged it off and turned on the news."The weather today will be sunny.The tempatures will be in between 70 and 90 degrees. "The weatherman said.I sighed and stood up.Another hot day in California. I went upstairs,took my shower and put on my clothes.I locked the door and went to the bus stop at the end of the street.I turned around and saw this dude staring at me.I turned back around,but when I turned around again he was gone..........

Elijah's POV

I watched her as she walked down the stairs in her house.God,she's beautiful!She went upstairs and when she disappeared I went across the street. I waited for her to come outside to walk to the bus stop.As she walked to the bus stop,I followed her.She turned around a couple of times but she never noticed me,I think.She sat down at the bus stop and I turned the corner.I do that everyday.I've done it since she moved out here two years ago.As I turned the corner, I called my friend, Chresanto." Hey.Can you pick me up?"I asked Chres. "Yea,where you at?" Chres said."I'm at the corner of 5th and 8th street."I said."You were stalking Sierra again weren't you?You've been stalking that girl for two years and she still hasn't noticed you.You might as well give up.You ain't never gone talk to her! "Chres said.He is right.I thought." Shut up!You don't know if she noticed me or not!And hurry up !"I hung up.I sat on the bench and waited for Chres.He picked me up and we went to school.

When I walked in the school,I saw Sierra at her locker.Maybe  today will be the day I talk to her.I sighed.Better give it a shot!

Sierra's POV

As I got my books out of my locker, a boy walked up to me."Hey."The boy said."Umm,excuse me but do I know you?"I said."Uh,yea my name is Elijah.I'm in all of your classes."Elijah said."Oh,I'm sorry.I didn't regonize you."I said."Um,Its okay."He said. I felt so bad.I've never regonized him in my classes before. Wow, I really need to pay  attention to my surroundings."Oh,well she you around."I said as I shut my locker and walked off.That was so weird.He just came up out of the blue.I thought about all the way to my first class,which was Geometry. Oh gosh, I hate this class!

Elijah's POV

"I told you!" I said as I walked up to Chres."You sure did."He said sarcastically. "Well,I gotta get to my class see you last peroid."He said as he walked off.I waked to my first class,Geometry.I'm pretty good at Geometry. I walked in the classroom and sat in the back corner of the classroom.After three minutes,the class started to fill up.The lat person to walk in was Sierra.She walked in right before the bell rang." Sierra,you were almost late,again!"Mrs.Matthews said."I'm sorry,my locker wouldn't close."Sierra said."Okay.Well take your seat."Mrs.Matthews said.Sierra took her seat in the third row."Well class today we will be working on the Pythagorean theorem. "Mrs.Matthews said.The whole class groaned.I was the only one that was happy.

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