Chapter Two

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Sierra's POV

I walked in the classroom as soon as the bell rung.I explained to Mrs.Matthews why I was a late and I took my seat.She explained to us that we were gonna be learning about the Pythagorean theorem.I signed and started writing on my paper. Two more hours of this ,I thought. I felt someone staring at me.I turned around and realized it was Elijah.He quickly looked away."Sierra,turn around please and stop bothering your classmates! "Mrs.Mattews said.Then I realized Elijah was the one staring at me at the bus stop today.Finally,the bell rung.I walked out the classroom and got my books for my next class which was World History." Hey!"Kennedy exclaimed as she waked up to me.Kennedy dates Chresanto.They've been dating for two months."How did your date with Chres go?"I asked."It was great.First we went skating then we went to his house and watched movies and stuff."She told me."Great."I said."Im gonna go to my class now."I said.We hugged and went our separate ways.I walked into History.I thought I was the first one there,but when I looked in the corner I saw Elijah.He drawing something. I would go see what he was drawing but I don't know him like that.So,I just sat down and took out my history book.After about three minutes, everybody walked in."Today,we will have a new seating arrangement."Mr.Brown said.Everybody sighed and stood up.He gave as our seats and we all sat down.Great,I have to sit by the weird guy. "I made a new seating arrangement because we are going to be starting a project.You'll have to make a replica of a famous landmark." He said."Alicia and Brian you'll have the Eiffel tower, Sarah and Mark you'll have the Leaning Tower."He went on and on assigning everyone their parts.Then he came to me and Elijah."Sierra and Elijah you'll have to Statue of Liberty."He said. He returned back to the front of the classroom."This will be a three weeks project.It will be an at home project. "I sighed.Its already bad enough I have to sit with him, now I have to work with him at home.Just great!

Elijah's POV

Mr.Brown told us we had new seats. Please let me sit by Sierra,I thought. Lucky enough I got to sit by her.Could my life get any better? It just did.We have to work on a project at home.Now I get to spend more time with her.She looked at me and smiled. I smiled back.

(Sierra's house)

" You have a nice house."I said to Sierra."Thanks,but it gets lonely here.""Why?"I asked her.It looked perfect here to me.If only she knew."Well my parents are never home.My mom is an agent, and my dad is the CEO of some stupid company."Sierra said.That's why I never see her parents.I mumbled."What?""Oh nothing.Should we get started on the project? "I asked.We worked on the project until 8:00.

Sierra's POV

It wasn't that bad working with Elijah.Maybe I give him a chance.I went upstairs and texted Kennedy.


Me:Hey.Wyd and guess what?

Kennedy:I'm texting you and Chresanto and what?

Me:I had to be partners with ELIJAH.....

Kennedy:Haha,that's your new boyfriend....

Me:Shut up!

I signed and stood up.I went downstairs and turned on the TV...but then I heard something I turned off the TV and turned around,but then the sound was gone.I sighed. Maybe I'm getting crazy,I thought,so I got in the shower.

Elijah's POV

This was the happiest day of my life.I got to sit by and work with the girl I loved. We got done with the idea of the project and I went home.So she thought. Actually I didn't go home I just went across the street,then in went back to her house.I peeked in the window and saw her walk upstairs. Now's my chance! I went to her back door and invited myself in.I went to her refrigerator and grabbed myself a coke.I sat down and the couch.I heard her come back downstairs so I got up and ran to the closet quickly. She sat down and turned on the TV.I accidentally stepped on a hanger and broke it.She turned around and looked at the closet. Please,don't come over here.PLEASE DON'T!!She just went upstairs. I sighed and ran out the house but I accidentally left the door open.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2015 ⏰

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