chapter four ~ morning

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chapter four// ruins' POV.

Despite the constant threat of impending doom, the world was perfect for me. That night, I had plans to go on another date with Skyver. I smiled happily.

"Hey Noir, Supple!" I called for my two roommates and best friends.

"Yeah?" I heard a shout back, soon followed by a familiar 'plip, plap,' of a penguin waddling over. "I like your hair," Noir said.

"Thanks," I said, still carefully curling my hair (feathers??). "Is this outfit okay though?" Noir nodded.

"What's the occasion?" Supple asked, standing in the doorway to my room. I pursed my lips.

"Uhm, I'm going on a date later," I said, ripping off the band-aid. Noir and Supple gasped dramatically.

"With wHO?" Noir asked. I laughed. Noir and Supple did not.

"Haha... o-kay," They continued to stare at me. "Skyver," I said. There was a moment of silence, before all hell broke loose. Metaphorically, of course. In all actuality, they reacted quite well, but that is no good for a story.

Skyver's POV.

So far, I was convinced that I was in love with Ruins. Our night consisted of sledding, ice fishing, snowman building, and finally a quiet game of connect four.

"You know, this is my favorite game," I said, placing another red piece on the board. "Fitting that I'm here playing it with my favorite with my favorite penguin," Ruins blushed.

"Thanks," She held back a smile. I looked into the fire, warmth filling the air. "So, what's on your mind?" She asked, likely sensing my internal worries.

"Oh, it's nothing really, just that Herbert's at it again." I sighed. "I wish he would just... not, for a little while. Give us a break." Ruins nodded.

"You know, you can do anything you believe," Ruins comforted. I looked across the game board at her.

"I believe I love you," I said. She blushed again.

"I love you too," She smiled. For that moment, everything was perfect. 

(Author's Note~~~ I hope you enjoyed the litte cameo of my lovely friends Suppleframe & Ruinsoflife (but that would've been awkward so I elected to change it ~~). At this moment in time, I have finished writing the book, then deleting that because I didn't like it, then procrastinating for many days, and finally getting v mad and writing it again. Take this gift of writing now because the Gods check your bags at the gate to the underworld and this sure aint gettin through TSA)

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