Chapter 6: Can I Stay A While

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My mom just told me about the boy that ended up on our front lawn.

"Wait. . . mom, you said his name was Michael?" I asked cutting her off.

"Oh. . yea, his name was Michael. A very handsome young man, he has curls that shape his face, and a caramel complexion." My mom said sounding like a little kid drooling over this boy.

"Mom please you sound ridiculous." I said getting aggitated.

"Hey don't get an attitude with me young lady, I'm not the one who got their car stole because they left their door unlocked." She said crossing her arms and giving me a look.

"Whatever mom, if that guy comes back don't let him back in this house!" I say getting up and heading upstairs

"Last time I checked, I thought I was the mother." My mom said getting up and following me.

"That guy is bad news mom, leave him alone."

Just then my brother, Amos came in. Throwing his stuff on the floor and heading to the kitchen.

"And you, first day of school and I get a phone call saying your already acting up, what's that about??" She was furious with Amos.

Ever since my dad died in war, Amos started acting out in school. Nothing bad, just detention, skipping class, but it still wasn't good.

"Look mom, those teachers are bugging at my school." Amos lied. I can tell when he is lying, he starts looking up at the sky and moving his hands alot.

"Mmm-hmmm" my mom said not believing him.

I hurried to my room and started on my homework.

I sat on my queen size bed and looked at my night stand and looked at the picture of me and my dad.

"I miss you dad" I said

* Michael's POV*

" I miss you mom." I said looking at the picture of her. I put her picture under my bed and head downstairs. I decide I'm going to fuxk some shxt up.

My brother just walked in the door, "Hey bro, bye bro" I say leaving out the door. "Hey bro, WAIT"

I stopped and turned, "What Brandon?"

"Can I come with you?"

"Hell no, I would never want you out with me, because I don't want you doing the things I'm doing." I say turning back around.

"O o ok" I heard him say sounding sad.

I stopped walking and downed my head, I know he is hurt.

"Brandon" I shouted. I heard his shoe scrap the ground, he was turning around.

"When I come back, we will hang out, I take you somewhere ok?"

"Ok Mike, thanks!!" He was excited, he ran in the house and shut the door.

"Uhh" I sigh

I walk the streets, I see cars lined up and I see a crowbar on the ground.

"OOh this is too easy." I said walking over to the crowbar, picking it up and smashing the windows in.

Why I have so much anger, I don't know but this feels so good. I am banging the hell out of these cars, their alarms are starting to go off and I'm not stopping, I am screaming while bashing these cars.

"HEYY WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING MAN???" I hear someone yell from a distance.

I stop and start running like hell, I don't look back becuase I think they are running after me.

But I am fast they will lose me.

I dodge into a bush and go down a street that looks very familar to me, I just have to find the right house.

I keep running and until I find the house.

I run up to it and start banging on it.

"Come on fuxking answer the door." I say trying to not get caught.

The door swings open and I push myself in.

"What the hell- Michael is that you??" She asks me.

"Yea. . . . . . .Banita, can I stay over for a while??" I ask sweetly

To be continued. . . . . . .. . . . . . .

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I want to thank everyone who told me happy birthday. You guys really made my day, you all are so awesome. Its good to know that people you know or barely know care about you enough to say little things, that mean so much.

But tell me what you guys think.......



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