Chapter 9: Kissing to Hold The Truth

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* Michael's POV* The next day . . . .

The sun is shining in my face, I slowly wake up and sit up slowly.

I look around, my vision is slowly coming back. I see that I am in this tannish looking room.

It has messages on the walls and pictures of Malcolm X and Martin Luther King Jr.

The bed I'm laying on has black covers with white pillows, it's really soft.

I get up and wake to the bathroom that is in the room, It is huge.

Everything is so white and clean, I go to look in the mirror.

I don't have a knot on my head, "Thank God"

"Michael" I hear a soft voice say.

I panick and lock the door. I run over to the window, open it and look down. Its like a 3 foot jump, "Dammit"

"MIchael" the voice says again

"Guess I have no choice" I say going over to the door, then running over to the window and jumping out of it and landing perfectly on my feet.

I continue running until I am on my street.

I find my house and run around back to where my window is and jump inside.

I fall on the floor, I notice Janet in my bed sleeping so peacefully. She usely sleeps in my bed whenever I don't come home the night before.

I slowly take off my jacket and climb into bed and lay down softly, not trying to wake her up.

She then turns over and lays her head on me and wraps her little arm around my side.

I can't help but smile, kiss her head and go back to sleep.

* Liberty's POV*

My eyes slowly flutter open to the sun beaming into my room. I slowly sit up but lay back down instantly.

"Owww" I whince in pain.

I look over and see to tablets and a tall glass of water sitting on my night stand.

I pick it up and take it, sipping down the water.

The door opens and my mom comes in," Oh my gosh, baby are you okay." she says coming to my bed and sitting on it next to me.

"Yea mom, I'm fine. Just got this terrible headache." I say rubbing my head.

"What happened?? I feel like I hit a wall!" I ask laying my head on my mom.

"You did sweety" She says all sweet and stuff

"MOM, THE POLICE ARE HERE!!" I hear Amos yell.

I look up, "Why are the police here??"

"Your guess might be better than mine" she says getting up going downstairs.

I jump out the bed and go downstairs, to see two police officers standing at our front door.

"Hello ma'am, there had been a disturbance in the neighborhood last night." The police pause and grabs his notes out.

My mom is shaking a lil, "Yes there was a call about a boy bashing car windows last night. He then proceeded to run away as the car owner chased him. And they said he ran down this street and may hav--"

The officer is cut off by my mom kissing him.

"Sorry officer, no one came here last night. Have a nice day." My mom says wiping her mouth and closing the door.

She bolts upstairs and leaves me my brother and I with our mouths to the floor.

"Ok, I'll ask it, what the hell just happened??" I say

To be continued. . . . .. . .

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