One: We Were All Born To Die

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My phone rings as I brush Henry's hair for school. I rest the brush down on the bed and grab my phone.

Hotch: be at the office by 8. It's not good.

Well, that's straight forward. I check the time and see that it is 7:30.

"Crap," I whisper to myself as I kiss Henry on the forehead and go to find Will. I walk into the kitchen and I get a big whiff of bacon and eggs.

"Mmm. Smells good. I have to go to work, Hotch just called," I say, walking over to the love of my life.

I wrap my arms around Will's body and run my fingers through his dark hair.

"I'm sorry that I keep leaving you and Henry," I mumble into his chest. And it's true, Will practically raises Henry on his own because I'm always away working on cases. Though Will works too, which means that Henry's nanny watches him the majority of the week.

"It's okay, I understand. Work is work," he whispers to me and I kiss him on the cheek.

I smile at him gratefully and walk towards Henry. I pick him up and hug him tighter than I ever have before.

"Are you leaving?" Henry asks and that one sentence almost brings me to tears.

"Yes baby," I reply. "I have to go to work, but remember, I love you. I will catch the bad guy and then I'll come right back home. Okay?"

Henry nods. I hug him once again and give him a kiss then head out the door.

I emerge out of the elevator to see Garcia walking past me towards the conference room.

"Hey, Garcia," I greet, starting to walk with her. Her pace is fast and her long colourful dress is dragging on the ground. Penelope has a unique wardrobe, let me tell you that much.

"JJ thank god you're here. It's bad. It's really bad!" she exclaims, her hands shaking. I look into her eyes and I see tears welling up.

"The case or your dilemma?" I ask, putting an arm around her. She stops walking and stares me staright in the eye. She looks like she's on the verge of tears.

"Derek kissed me!" she whisper shouts. I feel my jaw drop and my eyes widen. Penelope is shaking like crazy. She takes a deep breath then blinks back the tears.

"Aren't you happy about that? I mean you two are really cute and you always flirt. Wait-I'm sorry. How did it happen?"

Garcia opens her mouth to reply but suddenly, at Hotch glides past us.

"JJ, Garcia." He acknowledges us with a nod and gestures for us to follow him to the briefing.

"Tell ya later," she mumbles as we follow Hotch.

"Illinois, Chicago. Sally Green, 21 year old nurse found in the hospital parking lot dissected into small pieces, scattered around the area. Her head was found on the Emergency doorway with a note--" I click a button on the remote, and a picture of a piece of paper with squiggly handwriting comes up on the screen. "--that reads, 'in the end, we were all born to die'. Reported missing the day before her body was found. Tuesday."

"That's deep," Rossi comments, shaking his head as he looks down onto the screen of his tablet.

"Is she the only victim?" Hotch asks and I shake my head implying no. Another picture pops up on the screen of a young lady with blonde hair and sharp features. She was beautiful.

"Isabella Alexander, also 21, a hairdresser, was found in the same condition as Sally with her head on the doorstep and a note--" I click the remote again and a note with the same handwriting emerges on the screen. "--which also reads, 'in the end, we were all born to die'. Reported missing Wednesday and found Thursday."

"Two victims in a week. He doesn't have much of a cooling down period, but maybe he uses his weekends to decide on his next victim," Emily says and we all agree.

Reid mumbles, "And today is Wednesday...which means if he sticks to his schedule, another body will be found tomorrow."

"This guy has got a type...young successful ladies with blonde hair and sharp features," Morgan states and all faces turn to me.

"Oh god," I whisper and then Hotch interrupts by standing up. I'm relieved that everybody turned their attention away from me and onto Hotch.

"We'll discuss this more on the jet, wheels up in thirty minutes."


Hey guys! I really love Criminal Minds so I have decided to make a fanfic! I'm really excited about this!
Do you ship Morcia?


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