Never Back Down

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When you show courage in the face of adversity, you change your life and others.
The most provocative people in the world are the ones who won't settle for average and have triumphed through adversity. We are most inspired by people who have experienced difficulty and never, ever give up. Luck is great, but most of life is hard work. Sometimes the only way out of stress is through it; face struggle to overcome challenges in life. Many times struggle happens to help teach us a lesson. We can either learn from that lesson or deny it.

From an evolutionary perspective the human mind's main goal is to keep you safe. Sometimes this leads to self sabotage as it's just easier to stay in your comfort zone and avoid risk. However, great things never come from mediocrity. Quit settling for average and strive for extraordinary. Below are words I've written down inspired by powerful survivors. As a motivational speaker, I meet many people who have survived and thrived in misfortune. The following is a starting point for a motivational speech to find strength in stress, conquer fear and live your dreams.

Boldly go in the direction of your dreams.
Stand tall and show the world what you are made of. When the world beats you down, find a reason to get back up again. Never give up on success. Try, try, try and try again. Feed your mind ideas of success, not failure. Remember, the only way you can fail is if you give up. Every time you fail, you come one step closer to success.

You are not scared; you are courageous. You are not weak; you are powerful. You are not ordinary, you are remarkable. Do not back down, do not give up. When you look back on your life, don't have regrets. Believe in yourself, believe in your future, you will find your way. There is a fire burning inside you that is very powerful; it is waiting to burn bright. You are meant to do great things.

Following your dreams can be both terrifying and exciting. Courage is facing fear. Fear of failure holds most people back. You are not most people. Persist and persuade others about your plans, as they are real. Nobody can do this but you. Nobody will get in the way of our dreams. Most people master the obvious; you are creating something that wasn't there before. It's bold, it's beautiful, and it's you.
Give it your best, and your dreams will come to life. Success is yours.

Go for your dreams; it is your turn.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2020 ⏰

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