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    Cover By : AngeBlancRose

5 July 2013,
                    It has been so many years since I had lost both Rose and Albert and yet guilt haunts me everyday.
                    I had been friends with Rose from the first week of our College,she was a lovely cheeky girl.
As for Albert he was most quite and studious guy in the whole department;he was good-looking and timid and did not have many friends.

                   As far as I can remember  within months Rosie was famous in the whole college. I was technically a  non- social person and spent most of the time in library or common room,where I came to know Albert. Our opinions were so similar that we felt like siblings . It wasn't long before he started hanging around with me and Rosie more than his other friends.
                     In the beginning Rose and Albert were just friends and nothing else. She was dating Robert Darwins at that time. His wealth had made him atrocious and he never tolerated anything prickling his life. Soon for a lucky change I saw Rose and Albert spending  time together . Rose turned a brilliant shade of pink everytime Albert was mentioned ( It was for sure stalking Rosie was Al's new hobby ).

                   It was not long before Albert asked Rosie out. A perfect couple in many opinions and was really adored. Robert on the other hand became their mortal enemy .He loathed them together and turned vicious. It seemed that he was suffering (from losing Rosie) and people tried to console him. Nothing could help him as his grudge grew and he planned a revenge.

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