the first meeting

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I was just killing some time eating in a restaurant before I went on my way to wherever the wind takes me. However, fate had other plans laid out for me.

I noticed an abnormally large amount of people entering and ordering the same specific meal before disappearing. How strange?

Me being intrigued, I went up to the chef and asked for a steak that was to be slowly cooked until rare. I then asked to book out the back room.

The chef nodded and smiled as he lead me to the back where I was seated along with the steak.

"Enjoy your meal," he said as he gingerly closed the door.

I pick up the utensils and begin to dig in just as the room starts to descend.

I see, so this must've been a secret passage all along. I think I heard about the hunter exam starting sometime this week. How lucky! I was just about getting bored traveling alone, maybe I'll make some friends?

Just as I finished up the meal, I got up and stretched my arms and yawned. Whew, that was tasty, I'll be sure to come back to this restaurant again someday.

One side of the wall had an elevator like door which opened to reveal a dimly lit, large cave.

"Here's your number."

A short, bean shaped man said as he handed me a circular badge with the number 45 on it.

"Thanks!" I chirped back with a smile.

By the looks of it, the exam isn't exactly going to start any time soon.

I scan the room to find a spot to sit and get comfy when a voice interrupts.

"Hey there! Looks like you make 45 so far. Hi, I'm Tonpa."

He holds a hand out for a handshake.

"Hi, nice to meet you." I reply as I return the gesture.

"You're new here, aren't you?"


"Well, if you have any questions I'd be happy to answer them. You see, I'm a veteran, this marks my 35th attempt!"


"Ah yes, here, have some juice to celebrate our meeting."

"I appreciate the offer but I just had a full course meal, any more and I think I'll burst. Maybe next time." I say as I pat my food baby.

"Well of course, one piece of advice I have for ya though. There are guys you should never trust, one of them being Hisoka #44. He came in just before you, he's sitting by the wall over there." Tonpa said and pointed towards a man in clown makeup, looking to be in his late 20s, building a card pyramid while erratically licking his lips.

"Last year, everyone said he would have won, but he almost killed a judge because he didn't like him. He was disqualified."

"Wow." I'm starting to lose interest, this is boring.

"Last year, he mutilated not only the judge, but 20 participants that you won't see this year. Try to avoid him as much as possible."

"Uh huh..." At this point I started blanking out. Okay okay, I get it, Hisoka = bad. But my definition of bad and good is really skewed. Mine looks more like

Boring = bad
Interesting = good

"I have a feeling you're not listening to me." Tonpa said as he looked exasperated.

"Okay I'll let you be now." He said while approaching the newcomers who arrived after me.

Finally, that guy left me alone.

I found a spot by the wall and got comfy. I may as well take a nap, no one else here looked open to conversation. After that meal as well, I started feeling my eyelids droop as I let sleep take over.

The Purrfect Pair - Hisoka x oc (HxH fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now