the first meeting 2

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My eyelids fluttered open as I heard some screaming and footsteps. I took my time getting up and stretching out my limbs.

I nimbly weaved through the crowd of people to see what happened. It seems like more participants arrived while I took a nap, I think it was a good 3-5 hours nap. That nap definitely hit the spot.

Approaching the front, I saw a guy on the floor screaming bloody murder as his arms laid next to him, detached from his body. Well that's not a sight you see too often, but very interesting that in addition to that, his blood appeared to be turning into flowers.

"Oh, how strange. He doesn't have any arms. <3 Just magic, ladies and gentlemen." The man that appeared to be Hisoka said in a playful tone.

"You have to be more careful. And don't forget to apologize when you hit someone." His tone shifted to sinister quickly.

Oh wow, so he's THAT type of person. The kind that will keep me entertained for a while I think with a smile. I'll keep an eye on him for now.


A thin mustachioed man stood in front of us holding a little, creepy looking trinket to get our attention.

"Here I am, the time for reception is over. Now, the exam can begin." He announced.

Taking advantage of the distraction, I make my way over to the man with the severed arms after making sure no one was watching me and punched him with my nen.

Let me explain, I am a specialist. I'm able to raise my proficiency in all the nen types to 100%. However, I mainly concentrate on manipulation and enhancement for my ability. The condition for manipulation is to punch the intended target, I then use enhancement to instantaneously restore through touch. I can also use it on inanimate things. (a/n can anybody guess what I referenced ;))

After I quickly re-attached his arm, I leaned him against a wall and caught up with the rest of the people blending in quickly.

This run was pretty relaxing, it didn't take much to keep up with the examiner and his weirdly long legs. I kept an eye out for any other worthwhile  participants as I ran. I noted that number 99 had silent footsteps, unique to trained assassins, how interesting. Number 405 who was talking with 99 also emitted an interesting scent, he felt bright but I sensed something dark and endless. These two felt like they would provide me with endless entertainment so I went ahead and introduced myself.

"Hi! My name is y/n, I thought I'd introduce myself. it's nice to meet you." I went up to them and said.

"Hi y/n! I'm Gon and this is Killua." Gon introduced himself and Killua.

"I thought I'd come here because you guys seem more open to conversation compared to the others haha." It wasn't a complete lie, everyone else seemed too interested in themselves but I did just want to entertain myself.

"Oi Gon! Aren't you gonna introduce me and Kurapika?" A gruff voice asked from behind Gon.

I twisted my head around to see a sweaty man in a suit struggling to keep up along with a leaner teenager with medium blond hair .

"Oh Leorio! I forgot hehe. Y/n, this is Leorio and Kurapika." Gon said as he pointed to the man in the suit then the blondie.

"It's nice to meet you Mr. Leorio and Kurapika." I offered my greetings.

"MISTER? Hey, I'm not that old, I'm still a teenager!" Leorio exclaimed.

"WHAT?" Everyone was surprised

"ARE YOU SURE?!" Gon asked.


"Wow, who would've thought that he was younger than me." I thought out loud while tapping my chin.

"WAIT, WHAT?" It was my turn to shock everybody.

"Yep, just turned 25." I said while making a peace sign. (Hisoka's like 27, I ain't tryna catch a case here)

"I could've sworn she was younger than me." Kurapika said underneath his breath.

Yeah, people usually think I'm younger based on my looks. By my own standards, I think I look about 17 or 18, what can I say, ten and plenty of naps does wonders for your skin.

After a while, Gon and Killua were at the front and at this point, Leorio was shirtless and Kurapika took off his jacket while they ran up the stairs panting.

"Well guys, I'm gonna go off a bit on my own and concentrate on my own running." Just kidding, I'm off to find Hisoka and see if he's up to anything interesting.

"Okay, we'll see you around y/n." Kurapika said.

I waved back as I disappeared ahead.

It was pretty easy to find Hisoka by his increasing blood lust pouring out. I was able to control my aura to blend in with everyone else. I didn't completely erase all trace of me because that would be too suspicious, but I restrained myself to the average level of the other participants. He probably felt my eyes on him because his blood lust increased tenfold and he started looking around.

He hasn't spotted me yet.

This is so fun...

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