1. The Audition

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"The butterflies in my stomach are going to eat me alive," She moaned, holding her hands to her stomach. You pat her on the back, reassuring her that everything is going to be okay.

You and her are both waiting at the WM building. Your friend has wanted to be a singer ever since she was five and WM was recommended to her by her family, as she has a lot of relatives in Korea, and wouldn't be too far away from home. She told you her process - saying how she figured she'd try a smaller company like WM, because larger companies like SM, YG, and JYP frightened her with their power and possible scandals. She didn't want to risk being a slave idol.

You are just along for the ride, not having any expectations or worries. You're here to support your friend because she is your best friend and has been supportive of you for so long. You both have each others backs - it was a pinky promise you both made when you were ten. You don't have any sort of musical talent nor dancing skill but you don't mind failing because it's not about you.

It's about her.

Your best friend's name is called by a tall man in a suit. She stands up, wiping her palms on her jeans and then turns to me. 

"That's me," she turns to the man and laughs nervously. She then points to you.

"Is it alright if I have my friend audition with me?"

The man nods and asks for your name. You give it to him, making sure he spells it correctly. He then checks you both in and leads you to the studio where you guys will both be asked to sing and dance. The building is brand new and you both look around in awe.

"This is amazing," Your best friend breathes, holding her hand to her heart. You hear laughter around the corner and both turn your heads.

The boyband, you assume.

"Oh my god, B1A4," She whispers, clearly familiar with them. You nod, never before having heard of them, but they're very good-looking.

"We'll be settling here first," The attendance man stops at a studio with big mirrors and wood floors. You assume that you will both be dancing first. Your friend smiles, up for the challenge. You try not to clench your teeth, thinking about that one time you broke your ankle while trying to breakdance.

"It's so nice to meet you guys! I can't wait to be working with you today," A guy in a hat, a black t-shirt, grey sweatpants, and sneakers runs over, clearly the choreographer. He shakes both of your hands and you are pleasantly surprised by how friendly he is.

The choreographer puts on an upbeat Korean dance song and your friend squeals in recognition. He then goes through the moves in full speed before shutting the song off and repeating the moves again, this time in slow motion. Your friend picks them up perfectly, smiling the whole time. You put in your best effort, trying not to trip over your own feet, smiling at every chance. The director keeps smiling back at you, but it feels fake and it probably is.

When it's time to dance, you are both asked to perform together, and then individually. Going together, you do okay. When your friend goes on her own, she nails it 100%. You go on your own and you're pretty sure that you failed it but it doesn't matter. You think about your words from earlier.

It's about her.

After ten minutes of standing around, the choreographer gives a thumbs-up as being all set. The attendance man walks you both to another room, a recording studio it looks like.

"Oh gosh... this is probably where B1A4 records their own songs!" She grins, whispering to you excitedly. You smile back at her, happy that she's happy.

"Is this everything that you've dreamed of so far?" You reply and she nods enthusiastically, squeezing your hand tight and giggling.

The man at the piano, dressed in a tuxedo, stands up and shakes both of your hands, bowing afterwards. You both laugh, what a gentleman!

You both then see the boyband again sitting at the corner. Your friend gasps, speechless and shocked by the situation. Clearly, no one had told her that they would be sitting in the audition.

You try your best to comfort her but you can't help but notice that one of those boys keeps staring at you. You don't know how to feel. Sure, he's handsome, but it's creepy, and your friend is the one with the looks fit for an idol, not you.

"It's about her." Your mind echoes again and you snap out of it, looking back to your friend, ignoring the boy that keeps staring. You squeeze her hand and tell her it's going to be okay and not to panic.

You're both told to be silent while the pianist plays a melody for you to remember. You listen to the melody and then one by one repeat it back. Once again, she nails it. You don't remember the first note.

At some point in time, the attendance man asks you to sit down and gives you a look of disappointment. You know right then and there that you have failed the audition, but you nod and explain how you were there primarily for your friend's support. The man then smiles genuinely and tells you that he is enthusiastic about your friend. Your heart warms.

You get to listen to your friend sight sing a beautiful melody and she kills it - hitting every note with perfect pitch and her high notes are powerful. The boyband watches her in awe, their eyes shining, and you know that your friend has made it.

You both walk outside and your friend is handed a contract. She eagerly calls her parents to confirm before signing it, and you can hear her family's cheering voices from over the phone. They were proud. She was proud. This was everything that she had ever wanted.

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