3. The First Day

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You open your eyes. You are lying down in an open field, surrounded by flowers everywhere. You smile and the sun beats down on your face, warming your mind, your soul, and your heart.

You decide to stand up and dance around in the open air. Everything feels nice. Everything feels peaceful. You are alone in this field but it does not matter, you are content and you are happy.

You run over to a lake nearby and splash the water onto your face. It is cooling and relaxing. Birds chirp in the distance and this place feels like home.

Suddenly, you turn around to find a figure in the distance waving. You put your hand over your eyes, trying to focus on their face, but they are so far and so close to the sun that only a shadow is seen. The figure keeps waving, but you are stuck in place. You cannot move. Who is it? And why are they waving?


You spring from your bed, startled and confused. You turn your head to the side and your best friend groans. It suddenly occurs to you that the field and the shadowed figure were all part of a dream.

"I was told to come get you. You slept two hours late. Two Hours. On the first day!" She exclaims. You apologize profusely and explain to her that you hadn't heard your alarm go off.

"Whatever," she huffs and crosses her arms. "It's your job, not mine."

She waits outside the door for you to get dressed and you both walk to the main building together. You decide to ask her about her training.

"It's fantastic!" She cheers, jumping up and clapping her hands together. She rambles on a bit about how she gets along really well with her groupmates and that she loves every aspect of the song that she's been learning. You nod along, doing your best to pay attention, but you are still caught off guard by that dream.

"Are you okay?" She stops and asks looking at you. You nod and tell her that you were just spooked by a dream and that she had nothing to worry about.

You both arrive at the building and she waves goodbye to go back to rehearsing with the idol group. You are welcomed by a woman and a man, both wearing headsets. They smile and you eagerly grin back, excited to start your day.

They both lead you to your desk and alternate in giving you your instructions. You are thankful that they both speak English and fully understand how to do what they're asking you. 

"We just want you to do the basics. You know, find the perfect URL and begin creating your theme!" The woman finished off. They had sat you down at your very own cubicle, complete with a brand new Apple desktop which came with a wireless keyboard and mouse.

"Simple enough" you thought to yourself and nodded. They both waved goodbye and left you alone to do your coding. 

It was only after they left that you realized that the computer's language default was set to Korean.

"Oh my god..." you muttered aloud, scrambling for the system preferences to change the settings. You found the familiar grey gear and followed your cursor to the little flag. Successful in being able to change the language, you breathed a sigh of relief.

You closed out of the window and was about to open the browser when you saw a file on the desktop. It was a music file! 

"B1A4 - 행복하자" it read. A "ding!" sound went off in your head - B1A4! The boyband your friend kept talking about and the group who that boy belonged to.

"Maybe now I have time to listen to their music," you thought to yourself, about to double-click on the file when a familiar voice goes "NO!"

About Her, About You, About Him.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang