2. The Aftermath

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"I can't believe it," She whispers after hanging up. She might have been surprised, but you had always known she was going to make it. She was kind, talented, beautiful, easy to get along with. She was every company's dream, of course she made it.

She signs the contract and then turns to you. Her smile fades and tears fill her eyes. She immediately runs to you for a hug.

"Thank you for everything. I'm going to miss you so much," She whispered. You start to tear up too, happy for her, but dreading the fact that you'll both be separated. You'll be in college in the states, and she'll be promoting halfway across the world. The only way you'll be able to see her often is through the computer screen.

"Send me lots of letters whenever you can! You can bet I'll read them!" She cried.

"I'll be your number one fan of your group! I'll reserve a tumblr url for you and everything!" You shouted. She laughs and tells you that you don't have to do that but you insist.

You both go quiet for a bit and think about all of the years spent together. You can't even believe it. You're so happy for her. This is all she ever wanted. She'll be able to sing and dance and earn money for her family and in the midst of it all, see that boyband that she likes.

Including the handsome boy that kept staring at you.

"It's about her" Your thoughts repeat yet again and these are the only words you hear that help you to part away. She's happy, so it doesn't matter that you don't know where you're going to end up quite yet. You're proud of her, and you love her with all of your heart. She feels like a sister, and you know as a close friend, you have to let her be her and not let your own selfish thoughts get in the way of it.

"I'm gonna miss you so much," you finally find the words to say, your voice all choked up. You both hug again before the attendance man walks in, ready to escort your friend to her new dorm room.

"Text me anytime!" She calls and the two walk away. You turn around and head towards the door.

Goodbyes were never easy but they had to be done. You'd see your friend again. You'd both make it happen. You both won't ever forget each other, you had faith in that.

But the tears kept falling and every step became slower. You exit the building and stop, only a few feet away from the door, and let your head fall to your hands. You sob until the pain goes away, but it doesn't. You curse at yourself for being weak but it doesn't change the fact that you lost a good friend. You've always hated change. You've always been afraid of taking the next step. 

Goodbyes were never easy and you hated them with all of your heart.

"Hey!" a voice shouts from behind you. You shake your head, assuming they're talking to someone else and keep walking forward.

"Hey," the voice calls again, but this time a hand rests on your shoulder.

"Don't touch me," you plead softly, just wanting to be left alone. The voice quiets down and you turn around.

It's the boy.

"Stop stalking me! Don't you have a company to get to?" You shout, your voice getting louder. He doesn't respond and you realize that he doesn't speak English very well. You sob again, just wanting to go home.

"I'm sorry," he says softly and puts his arm around you. You don't move it.

"Let's go inside," he whispers. You don't trust him but the only other place you could go was back to the hotel by yourself. Plus, your friend is in there, so it has to be somewhat safe.

The multiple staff members look confused at you coming back inside, then they see the boy and the tears on your face. The boy explains something in Korean and all of them nod along. They note something about you "not being a crazy fan" and "friend of new girl" so they welcome you in again with open arms. You shake your head multiple times, telling the boy that he doesn't have to do this for you. He just says "sssssh" very quietly and you both go to a small room in the corner.

About Her, About You, About Him.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt