Chpt.22 Modifacations

11 1 0

I told my mother about my idea of piercings and tattoos. She said no. My father said no. End of discussion.
Wouldn't it be cool though. I don't know what I would get. Maybe a lip piercing. Nose piercing. I could get a second hole done in my ear. I've already got one. I've had it for 11 years.
Mother agreed to let me get another piercing in my ear beside the other one. She took me to the mall to get it done.
I don't really remember the first time I got it done. I was about 4. I didn't think it would hurt much. I'm used to pain. I deal with it daily.
I got it done. A nice black stud. My earrings match my hair now. You could say that I'm happy. I do quite enjoy getting my way, even if it's not exactly what I wanted.

While we were there, I asked the lady if I could get my nose done. She got it all ready. She was about to do it when mom noticed and starting screaming to stop. She scared the shit out of the poor lady. It was hilarious.
By the way, yes, it hurt like hell and yes, I did almost cry.
Baby. Complete baby. I'm ashamed.

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