Chpt.24 Livid

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My ears were fully healed and they didn't hurt anymore. It's a good thing too.
The week was filled with:" my ears hurt" and "it's your own damn fault so shut up."
Mom and I were back at each others throats. She wasn't angry anymore, not at anything in particular. But that didn't stop us from fighting.
One morning, I hit the jackpot. A silly fight about why I couldn't wear something pretty and nice for just one day, to a special even for her boss turned into a nightmare.
I screamed and lashed out. I told her:" Why should I change for your boss? Everyone else sees me like this."
"You know very well why! I want to make a good impression!"
"Am I going to embarrass you if I dress like this? Is that the problem?! Because I'm sorry that I'm such a damn embarrassment to you and the rest of the family!" I ran. Ran to my room and held my glass ball. It didn't work. I was livid. I wanted to smash things. I wanted to break things. Dad noticed. He took me to the beach before I did any damage.
Bad decision.

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