2 • mister books

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october 5th

the wooden shelves looked more and more gigantic as he wandered between the countless books.
the dusty smell was tickling mingyu's nose and his footsteps quickly became the only sound that echoed in the empty cramped library.

- gyu! i'm finally here!

a medium sized boy appeared from behind the counter, a warm smile lightening his round face up. he was wearing the shop's jacket and looked even more pleased when mingyu approached him.

- soonyoung, i've been walking around and around for ten minutes now, where've you been?
- sorry dude, my boss wanted to see me. she's thinking about giving me me a wage increase! isn't that the coolest thing ever? he shouted. ok, sorry gyu, how can i help you?
- i don't know, i just wanted to see you. it's been a while.

the two friends looked at each other before laughing without any reason. mingyu had terribly missed his best friend soonyoung and seeing him as happy as he used to be soothed his soul.

- you can stay, as long as i look like i'm working, said soonyoung trying to look as serious as possible.
- yes, i understand. by the way! i have to tell you about something. ok so, two days ago, i went to the grocery store and ended up meeting my new neighbour. and, excluding yourself, i have no friends, so i tried to talk to him.
- and?
- and he didn't really seem like he wanted to. but something about him... something about him was so special. that sounds creepy, i know.
- not really. i mean, you like meeting new people, what's the matter?
- he looked so lonely and sad. and mysterious. i love mysterious people.
- ok, this is getting creepy.
- shut up! yelled mingyu whilst soonyoung bursted into laughter.
- and what did he look like?
- he had dark hair, kinda messy, and had round glasses. my first thought was that he looks like a little cat. and his name is wonwoo.
- like jeon wonwoo?
- do you know him?

soonyoung looked so shocked he brought is hands up to his face.

- soonyoung, please explain yourself.
- ok, so basically, our library doesn't have a lots of customers. and jeon wonwoo often comes here. he even has an account here! he said as fast as he could.
- wait! that's awesome! tell me about him!
- slow down casa nova.

a bell rang and a woman with her daughter came in. soonyoung came out from behind the counter and, with his cotton voice like, greeted them.

- so, wonwoo... he is very quiet but very gentle. he treats all the employees really kindly. his favourite books are thrillers. that's all i can tell you since he's just a customer.
- thrillers, ok... show me your best books he still hasn't bought yet.
- what are you thinking about gyu?
- breaking the ice.

soonyoung smiled at his friend and immediately started typing on the computer's keyboard. he looked so perky that his chubby face started to turn red.

- the most popular thrillers this week are; between the pines, be afraid of the dark and the man from my childhood. i think wonwoo would-
- i'll take them all.

mingyu smiled at his best friend who proceeded to disappear behind the stock's door, to look for mingyu's books.
he quickly reappeared with three thick books between his hands.

   - that will be 45$ please mingyu, he said with the biggest smile ever.
   - oh my god, since when did books start to be so expensive, mingyu said whilst searching for money in his narrow pockets. now keep the change, i have some books to offer.

mingyu greeted his best friend and went out of the library. sunset's glow warmed his face up as he thought tomorrow was going to be a special day.

627 words

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