Chapter 1

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~~Chris's POV~~

"So, Chris. Have you heard of Silent Hill?"

"No. I never even knew such place existed. I guess it's one of those small towns. Never heard of it, but it's there." Jill shrugged. We were dropped off at Brahms and got the information there. Since the way to the town isn't far, we should be able to get there by foot.

While heading there, we found a motorcycle just on the edge of the road. It had the Brahms PD logo on it, so it was pretty obvious from there. "Looks like we found the bike. But what about the cop?"


"What? Found something, Jill?"

"Over here!" I ran over to where Jill was, and it was a crashed car!

"Lets check if someone's in there, now!"

"Roger!" We checked every part of the car and thankfully, no one was in it. "That's a relief. But where is the driver? This vehicle's license plate is new. 1990."


"What is it, Jill?"

"I just found some footprints here."

"Where are they heading to?"

We follow the prints but unfortunately, they end at the road. However, there was a sign that was pointing to Silent Hill. "Maybe they went into the city as well?"

"This crash does look recent, and we're near Silent Hill at this point."

"Right. Lets move." Jill nods, and we make a dash to the town next.

~~5 minutes later~~

We finally reach the town, and to our surprise, there was so much fog covering the area! "Here we are. Silent Hill."

"Damn, there is so much fog, I can barely see three feet in front of me!"

"Ugh, same here! But we've got flashlights, so that should make it easier. Lets contact HQ right now."

"Sure." We get our radios out and contact HQ for our find.

"Come in HQ. This is Jill."

"[HQ here. What is it, Jill?]"

"We've found the town, Silent Hill."

"[Good work you two. Have you found the missing cop, yet?]"

"No, we just got here. But we did find a motorcycle that belonged to the Brahms PD."

"[Alright then. If you find anything else, just contact me again, alright?]"

"Actually, we did."

"[Really? What else?]"

"HQ, this is Chris. We've also found another vehicle. A jeep of some sort."

"[Another one? Does it belong to anyone?]"

"We're not sure yet, but it was near the motorcycle. The person might've come to Silent Hill as well."

"[Alright. Keep an eye out for them as well. We don't want any pedestrians getting involved.]"

"Understood. Chris out."

"Jill out."

"[HQ out.]"

We look at each other, starting our investigation. Despite the damn fog, there was so far, no one around we could see. No lights, no shadows, hell not even one car! This place is like a ghost town. "Jill, does this town have any occupants, or is it actually deserted?"

Survival of the Psyche 1: Mercenaries and CultsWhere stories live. Discover now