Chapter 7- The next murder arrives

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Hi everybody, I'm back again. After Sidhe's amazing chapter, I'm here to continue the story. So please sit back and read this. Hope you enjoy it.


We had landed in a snow filled Germany. Piles of snow had been stacked on every street, the frosty breeze lurking in the air. People were dressed in fur coats and wooly jumpers, we were not. And even without my deductions, we knew it was cold.

But a car was parked and waiting for us at the airport. It drove along the icy roads, slow and steady. It halted at the hotel, which was lit in bright lights and stood looming on the ground. As we entered the hotel, a concierge waited for us and smiled.

'May I take your bags up?' The man had translated.

'You might as well. Right, Helen and Logan. Can you two stay here at the hotel? Nina and I can get on with the investigation.'

Helen looked angry at the thought and shook her head, 'No! It's bad enough getting her to come all the way to Germany, never mind taking her with you to investigate, without me. If she got hurt, it'd be on my conscience. I'm not letting that happen.'

'Please, Helen. This will be the last time! I promise.' Nina replied.

After much discussion over the matter, Helen nodded and went with Logan to the room. We, on the other hand, went into the cold climates outside. Going to the murder.


We had arrived at the scene. A scene of death and despair. A scene where multiple people were sprawled across the snow, which was now soaked in blood. Each body naked and barely recognizable from their lack of muscle. They were a bag of bones so to speak. And each was numbered.

'You see what I mean, Phoenix? The rhyme, it works perfectly. One for sorrow, they are all numbered with the number one. They are sorrowing the deaths of all the corpses. And the killer is playing this game. I wonder what number he'd put on you.'

'That's beside the point, Nina. We don't have time for jokes, this is serious stuff. But where is the killer now. He mustn't be too far away,' I said.

Nina continued to look at the circle of bodies, trying to get different angles on the image. But it didn't matter what way you looked at it, they were dead bodies. And nothing would change that fact.

'What is it is a she? And sorry for having a bit of light humour, Mr bossy boots. Calm down, I thought I'd lighten the mood a bit.'

My phone buzzed in my pocket, a vibrating. I knew the caller before I even looked at my phone.

'Hello, Mr Wright. Well done on this investigation thingy, you seem to be doing a good job with your little apprentice. It would be an awful shame to see one of your apprentices give killed. What's her name...Helen? Is that her? Or what about I kill your son, Logan? Does that bother you? I see you're loving this game so let's keep playing.' The buzz rang after it and my heart pumped out of my chest.

'Who was it?' Nina smiled as she asked, 'Was it somebody special?'

I ran to the car. And only at that point did Nina understand my dilemma.

'It's the killer. He's in Germany still. And he's going for Helen or Logan next.'

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