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I woke around 4 in the morning feelings really sick, I was feeling nauseous but I couldn't throw up, I walked to the bathroom and washed my face,  I took a couple deeps breaths, and as I was about to lay back in bed I felt myself about to throw up so I ran to the toilet and threw up a little. I washed my mouth and face again and fell back to sleep with Emilio beside me.

"hey y/n!"
Chris said barging in my door

"Chris it's 10am!"
I said whining

"I know, but we don't got no groceries and mom wants us to go before she gets home"
Chris said sitting on my bed

"fine, I'm gonna change and can you change Emilio"
I asked

He said

Chris woke up Emilio and grabbed a diaper and clothes and started changing him

I got a call from Aliz


I said

"hey, can you pick me up from school?"
She asked

"yea sure, just call me when your out"

"no I mean like now. I'm not feeling so good and I'm getting really dizzy. The school called my mom but she's working so my mom asked if you can pick me up and the school said yes. So can you?"

"yea sure. But Chris and I are going to the store but you can wait in the car or I drop you off here"

"I'll stay in the car"

"alright I'm on my way"

I said hanging up

"who was that?"
Chris asked

"Aliz. She said she's not feelings good so imma pick her up at school"

"oh alright, well we're ready so let's go"
Chris said putting Emilio in his car seat

I grabbed the diaper bag and my phone and we walked out the house

We got in the car and Chris drove to the school, I got out and walked inside seeing Aliz in the office. She grabbed her bag and got up and we started walking

"are you sick?"

"I don't know, they checked my temperature and I'm fine but I keep getting dizzy and getting nauseous"
She said

We continued walking when she covered her mouth and ran to the trash can throwing up and I held her hair up

"Aliz did you and Kairi?"
I said giving her a look and she understood me

"yea why"

"Did you get your period this month?"
I asked


"When do you usually get it"

"I was supposed to get it last week why?"

"sounds like your pregnant"

She looked at me quickly and shocked


"I'm not saying you are pregnant, but I am saying that's exactly how I felt when I was"

"Y/n what the fuck am I going to do?!"

"hey,bud you are pregnant I am right here to help you, but I also think I'm pregnant again"

"what how? Well not how but like what happened? Is it Mattia's?"

"the only guy I've done it with is mattia, well and Derek but that's was months ago before I had Emilio, I woke up this morning feeling the exact same way you feel now"
I said

"so pregnancy test?"
She said

"yea, but we can't let Chris see"
I said

"I'll get the test you get your things"
She said

Short chapter it should they be pregnant?

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