Shopping (6)

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After a quick shower we had arrived at a big mall. Harry let me borrow one of his elastics to throw my hair into a ponytail.
"Ready Lydia?" Zayn asked. I nodded and hopped out of the bus shoving on the sunglasses they had lent me. if they really thought this was going to work as a disguise they were crazy.
"So, we figured you could pick out a couple outfits, some essentials like a toothbrush, and a bag to keep it all in." Liam said. I couldn't believe how nice they were being.
"Is that ok?" Liam asked.
"Uh, yeah! That sounds great, thank you." I said, a little in shock.
"So, where should we go first?" Harry asked. I wasn't much of a brand name type person, if something was cute and comfortable then I got it. I shrugged and grabbed a carriage.
"Yesss!" Louis said hopping into the carriage. Harry laughed standing on the back of it.
"Guys, I can't see!" I laughed almost crashing into many different people and walls trying to make my way into the nearest clothing store.
"Onward!" Louis yelled pointing at a clothing outlet. Finally. I rushed into it saying sorry multiple times from crashing into other people's shopping carts.
"Okayyyy." Liam said, his face growing red.
"Remember, we aren't supposed to be attracting attention to us." Liam said in a low whisper pulling Harry off the back of the carriage.
"Awww Liam you ruin everything!" Harry whined with a smile.
"No no, Harry he is right." Louis said growing serious. he stepped out of the shopping cart and grabbed my hand.
"Fashion show!!!!" He yelled pulling me away and leaving the cart for someone else to take care of. I laughed as we all grabbed different things and made our way to the changing room. they all took a seat on some couches in the changing area and sent me in with piles of clothes falling out of my arms. The first outfit I tried on was from Liam, some comfortable jeans and a t-shirt. I decided to keep it. Next was Zayn's pick. A black tunic that zippered down the front and on the pockets with some edgy black and white leggings. When I stepped out they all applauded. I blushed, I usually had more of a girl next door kind of look to me but I had to admit, I kind of liked this.
Niall had given me some high waisted pants with a cute graphic crop top that had a picture of pizza on it. I definitely was keeping that one! Louis outfit of choice was... well.....
"Guys, I'm not coming out with this on." I said through the door of the changing room.
"Is it my outfit?" Louis asked.
"C'mon! show us!" Harry laughed.
My face was red just thinking about it. I shook my head and slowly opened the door. Louis started busting out laughing once the door was open enough for them to see which just made me blush more and the other boys just stared with their jaws hanging to the floor. I had on very bright neon orange leggings and vest with a weird green hat that made me look like a carrot.
"Lou, seriously? Don't you know what year we're in?" Liam asked.
"The mask! Put the mask on!" Louis spat out in between laughing fits.
"Awe Louis cmon." I chuckled grabbing the cardboard mask and slowly slipping it over my head. The mask was Louis face. I couldn't believe he found this stuff. Louis face was red from laughing so hard when I ran back in to try on the last outfit, Harry's.
There were black jeans I could barely squeeze into and a black button down shirt. A black hat and brown booties were also placed with the neatly folded clothes. I did a few squats to try to stretch the jeans a little. when I walked out Harry just had this mischievous smirk on his face.
"So how about we tell the interviewers your my long lost twin?" he asked. I glanced down at his outfit and laughed realizing we really did look like we were wearing the same thing.
"Oh I need a picture of this!" Niall said getting his phone out.
I picked out a few more outfits and some stuff like a hairbrush, deodorant, so forth and so on.
I got a really cute backpack to keep all my stuff in.
"You don't need any... erm... uh ya know... stuff..." Harry asked sounding embarrassed.
"Stuff?" I asked confused.
"You know..." he stressed rubbing the back of his neck. he looked to the other boys for help.
"Lady supplies?" Louis asked me.
I almost burst out laughing at how awkward everyone was acting.
"No!" I laughed realizing what they meant.
"I'm good!" I reassured them walking away.
"One more thing we need to buy.." Louis said with a sly smile.
"Oh Louis she can get it herself..." Zayn said.
"Are you kidding? This is too much fun to miss!" Louis said grabbing my hand.
"What do we need to buy?" I asked.
"Louis grabbed my hand again and we turned into a store.
Oh. My. Gosh.
Louis brought me into none other than Victoria's Secret.
"Liam...." I said glancing back in nervousness.
All he did was groan at Louis childish behavior and followed behind him. This was going to be extremely awkward.
"I sure hope you don't expect me to do another fashion show." I warned him. He laughed and dragged me through. I looked over and suddenly noticed he wasn't by my side anymore.
"Lydia!" he yelled coming up behind me and making me jump.
"I found some that I like but I wasn't sure what your sizes were." He said wearing a bra over his shirt.
Harry just placed his palm on his forehead.
"Uh, okay." I said following him.
I was so relieved when that little episode of my life was over. When we got back into the bus I changed into the outfit Zayn picked our for me. If I was going to an interview I had to look the part, I decided. Soon we arrived.

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