Chapter 3

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Since the last chapter was about 800 words shorter than this one, I will be double updating. Also, because I don't think I'll remember to update soon. I start high school next Wednesday so there won't be many updates.


The walk home wasn't fun considering he had never walked this way before. What would've been a 10-minute walk took 20 minutes because he took at least 3 wrong turns. When he finally got him he took off his sling and took off his leather jacket, putting his sling back on. He went to his room and did his homework before making dinner, assuming his mother wouldn't be home till the late hours of the night. After making dinner he went to the backyard and laid in the grass, looking up at the stars. He didn't notice he was falling asleep until it was too late.

An hour later he woke up to the stars and looked around, he didn't know how long he had been asleep but he didn't care. He stood up and walked to his house when he tripped and fell. He fell on his bad hand and crushed it with his weight. He screamed in pain and rolled into his back, he laid there for a minute before getting up and stuffing his feet in his boots. He left his jacket and locked the door, starting the trek to Forks Hospital. He had gotten to the edge of La Push when he was spotted by a car.

"What are you doing Grayson?! It's midnight!" Grayson turned and saw the kind face of Jacob Black. He grimaced and pointed to his arm that was being cradled against his chest, "I hurt my hand and I'm going to Forks Hospital. I don't have a car so I am walking." Jacob made a confused face, "Why don't you just go to the hospital here?" Grayson sighed and spoke, "My mother works over there. She can help me." Jacob nodded, "Want a ride? I was going to go visit a friend anyway." Grayson hesitated before nodding, "Thank you." Jacob nodded and unlocked the car. When Grayson got into the car it was silent until Grayson felt it was uncomfortable, "Thank you for taking me to the hospital." Jacob nodded and kept his eyes on the road, "It's no problem. I was going into Forks anyway." Jacob sighed before speaking again, "If you don't mind. How did you hurt your hand?" Grayson looked out the window and saw Forks Hospital coming into view. When they got to the hospital he answered and quickly got into the car, "Some guys in Greece thought it would be fun to step on my hand. It was...for them." He got out of the car and quickly ran into the ER, not noticing how Jacob was left in his seat. Frozen and shaking at the thought of someone hurting his imprint.

Grayson quickly ran into the ER and went to a nearby nurse. Quickly speaking to her once he got her attention, "Can you page Dr. Cirillo please?" The nurse looked skeptical but paged her anyway. She told him to wait in the waiting room while she came. He complied and waited a few minutes before his mother came into view with another doctor. A very handsome doctor in Grayson's opinion if he didn't think the god was still in the heavens of Olympus, he would've thought this man was Apollo himself. His mother didn't seem to notice him so Grayson stood up from the waiting room chair and walked towards his mother and the doctor. He spoke as he got in front of them, "Mama." Elizabeth looked over and was surprised to see her son, "Helios. What are you doing here?" Grayson stuck his hand in front of his chest and sighed, "I fell. On my hand. I felt it and let me tell you, it felt like the River Styx was washing over it." Elizabeth gasped and turned to the doctor next to her, "I am so sorry doctor Cullen. I have to take care of my son." 'Doctor Cullen', as Grayson found out, nodded and spoke. His voice sounded like liquid glass, "Not a problem Dr. Cirillo." He smiled and turned to Grayson, "It was nice meeting you. Or at least seeing you." Grayson nodded and followed his mother to what was no doubt the X-ray room.

It was a total of six hours before he was able to know what was happening to him. Turns out that when he fell on the arm he crushed all the bones that were already fragile and barely healing. His mother and another general surgeon had to take Grayson into surgery so that the bone shards wouldn't hurt his hand or arm any more than it already did. His mother had to break the news that because of this incident he would probably never regain feeling again. Grayson understood and was left in his room to ponder what he would do.

He was glad that it was his left hand and not his right but was still upset that he would never be able to move it completely. He was given medication that put him to sleep and woke up to his mother writing in his chart. His mother saw him moving and smiled at him, "Good morning my sun. How are you feeling?" Grayson smiled and sat up slightly, "I'm okay. School?" His mother nodded and spoke while finishing his chart, "No school for the rest of the week, you need to heal before going back. You will take this week to heal and I will be giving you another sling that you will need to wear all the time. That sling will be different than the standard sling you got last time because it will help your hand flex 24/7 and hopefully help you regain function and feeling again." Grayson nodded and spoke to his mother, "Could you hand me my phone please?" His mother arched her eyebrow and grabbed his phone, handing it to him, "Are you going to text a boyfriend that I need to worry about?" Grayson blushed and stammered, "N-No. I-I'm- I ne-I need to text a friend for homework." Elizabeth nodded and put her pen into her pocket before walking to Grayson's side of the bed and kissing his forehead. "I will see you later. I'm off to rounds." Grayson nodded.

Grayson looked down and turned his phone on, pressing on Kim's phone number. He texted her a short message that he hoped she would answer quickly.

G-I'm in Forks Hospital. Could you bring my homework over? Maybe even every day? His prays were answered when she texted not even a minute later,

K-Sure! I'll bring your work and bring some of the boys with me! Why are you in the hospital?!

Grayson chuckled and turned off his phone before deciding to go back to sleep.

The next time he woke up was when, who he assumed made the noise, Embry yelped after being hit in the head by Paul. Probably because of the noise he made that big noise and made everyone in the room whisper yell at him. He opened his eyes and quickly closed them, not liking the light. He sighed and rubbed his eyes with his right hand before opening them and smiling at everyone in the room. Blushing when he realized they were all watching him sleep. He sat up and spoke, "Hello." All the russet skinned teens looked towards Grayson and smiled, Paul, Jacob, and Embry smiling with love in their eyes. They all gave their own variations of 'hi' before Kim rushed over to his right side and started firing questions at him. "Why are you in the hospital? Are you okay? What happened? Do I need to hurt somebody? Are you in pain?" Grayson chuckled and put his hand on Kim's and smiled, "I'm fine Kim. I fell on my hand and damaged it more than it already was. Besides probably not being able to ever use it again, I'll be okay." Kim gasped but smiled sadly at her new friend, "Okay. If you say so."

It was quiet before Jared cleared his throat. Kim jumped and went to her backpack, "I brought all your books and notebooks. There are a pencil and an eraser as well. Your art teacher said that you were excused from class for the rest of the year and the biology teacher said that Paul could just come to your house or something for the project." Grayson nodded and thanked her, he looked towards Paul and smiled. "I will be in the hospital for the rest of the week and go back to school Monday. Just come to the hospital for this week." Paul smiled and nodded.

Embry was about to say something when Elizabeth came into the room. "Wow. What a party in here." Grayson blushed and pulled his pillow from behind him and groaned in it. Elizabeth chuckled and walked in between Paul and Quil to right on his chart. "How are you feeling Helios?" Grayson looked at his mother and begged, "Μπορείτε να περιμένετε 10 λεπτά?" Can you wait like 10 minutes? Elizabeth shook her head and spoke in English, "No, I waited for 30 minutes while you were asleep. So I repeat, how are you feeling?" Grayson rolled his eyes and replied, "I feel fine. I cannot feel my hand, as it was this morning, and yesterday, and the day before." Elizabeth sighed and put his chart away before speaking and leaving the room, "I'll check your hand once your friends are gone." Grayson nodded and watched as his mother left. Jared spoke a sentence that made everyone groan, "Well we have to go but Kim can stay. She's not busy." Kim smiled and nodded vigorously, while everyone, especially Paul, Jacob, and Embry, groaned.


The reason I put this chapter in, with the hospital and everything is because while I may not forget, and some of YOU may not. Others may forget that Grayson is injured. He has scars on his body from surgery and the attack. He cannot use his left hand and has a sling/cast on 24/7 know.

I would also like to say that Homophobia is NOT okay. It is disgusting and awful, nobody should be punished for being who they are.

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