unpopular opinions (2)

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unpopular opinions ✨

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unpopular opinions ✨

disclaimer: these are MY opinions(again), any remarks or disagreements, you take it up with me (kindness is appreciated if you're gonna cancel me). i might do confessions next so dm me :). it's showtime!
1. just because someone dies does not mean they were the greatest person to ever live or a legend. sometimes they are actually, but this does NOT apply to everyone and y'all need to stop applying to everyone who dies.

2. there is no superiority to pancakes vs waffles, they are literally the same thing, one was just in a different machine.

3. animated/anime tv shows/movies are better than live action shows/movies. i said what i said.

4. social media isn't the problem/the internet isn't the problem, it's the people on it.

5. Plantains>>>bananas

6. using "there other ppl who have it worse" or "other ppl have less so be grateful" (or anything like that) to gaslight mental health issues is toxic. yes, other ppl do have worse, but this ain't about other ppl, it's about me(ex.)

7. pro-lifers love to talk about how all lives matter, but when there are literal children dying in yemen and third world countries,,and also orphans in need of adoption, they are no where to be seen.

8. the fact that women's rights, and black lives matter are controversial is DISGUSTING. treating human beings with respect is what should be the standard, and we shouldn't have to fight for those equal rights.

9. dark,milk, and semi-sweet chocolate >>>the audacity that is white "chocolate"

10. Taylor's new album is the best one she's ever made/tied with lover.

11. youtube has become so toxic and fake,the only youtubers you can trust are the small channels.

12. imagine hating on someone's life because of who THEY love? imagine hating on someone's life because of who THEY are? homophobes need to go it's 2020 🚪.

13. being "young" and "not knowing about how your words affected others" are not excuses for your racism,sexism,or homophobia. just admit you're one of the above (or all of the above) and move on.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2020 ⏰

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