The fear of dolls.

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As the days passed Jason kept worrying if the gift was going to come. He was in his car driving home from work. Jason was a handyman and was good at building things thanks to his grandpa. Meanwhile back home his wife was taking care of there daughter. She was watching a T.V show called "Berry Best Friends" which stared her favorite character "Betty Ren" which is based off of a doll back in the day called "Betty Letty Singing Doll" As she watched Gina saw a spark in her daughter's eyes she had never seen before. Her almond brown eyes lit up with like golden flecks in her eyes. When Jason got home Gina had to tell him something. "Hey Jason I know the doll isn't creepy in the box picture but.....just look." Gina pointed to the Betty doll. The doll looked like a doll that a 5 year old girl would like, but when your a 20+ year old man that passed collage it's a different story. "KYAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!" Jason screamed as if he was an anime girl and ran to a sledge hammer doing an anime girl run. "Grow up" Gina muttered to herself. With a scared look on his face he smashed the doll with the hammer knowing full well "he spent all his money on it" even though he actually has more then he recalls. "Done!" Jason fully destroyed the doll with a serial killer grin on his face. "WHAT THE HECK WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO NOW!?!!!! WITH NO BETTY DOLL WHAT DO WE DO?!!!?" Gina scolded at Jason but then he turned to her, "If we can't buy the girl then we'll make her."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2020 ⏰

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