Chapter Three

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(Y/N)'s POV

His lips felt like velvet against mine, like the first time we met all those years ago.

-flashback to when they were both seventeen-

We had just moved to Psamathe, my fathers business had switched companies to partner with Silva Pharmaceuticals. The first time I met Octavio was in that very mansion.

I was young, with dyed hair in cornrows, and a pretty anarchist looking outfit. He somehow knew I was sad, of course, I was always neglected by my parents.

At the time I had no prosthetics or anything robotic, just stubs, and I was wheelchair bound.

My brother, Jody, a tall yet masculine twenty year old with blond hair and green eyes, was introduced first.

I was wheeled in by him, and Octavio's father had noticed me, eventually.

"What happened to the girl?" He asked, and my father somewhat ignored the question before saying, "She had a severe illness that rotted at her arms and legs." Which was far from the truth.

Mother had made an anti-biotic injection that was experimental, I was simply the guinea pig; which at the time I didn't realize it.

I had a rare skin disease that began to attack my immune system. The doctors were convinced I wouldn't live very long.

Mother had always tried her best despite her slowly losing herself in her memory, an early onset of Dementia they said.

The injections made things better at first, but then I started to feel numb in my right arm and legs, and eventually the private doctors removed them as they said it was a fungal infection that, if not removed, would eventually reach my heart and kill me.

Octavio had come down from the elevator and immediately greeted me. A true ladies man, I figured.

He didn't even look twice at my stubs I had for body parts. I felt broken.

Octavio's dad introduced his son, and he immediately asked if he could show me around.

Jody and father stayed behind. They had business to discuss anyway and I would just get in the way.

I guess in some ways my father never had hope in me, or he was just so blinded by his own work that he didn't care about me or my interests.

Octavio showed me to a glass room, and I saw the beautiful Psamathe sunset for the first time.

"Ahhh, the sunset is quite bright huh?" He chuckled. He had a heavy Spanish accent. I thought it was beautiful.

"So, what's your name Bonita?" He asked, looking around before looking me in my eyes. His breath smelled faintly of alcohol.

"(Y/N)," I said softly, my tears welling up in my eyes. Nobody had ever been nice to me before. Well, not in a friend type manner.

"I'm Octavio Silva!" He exclaimed, and he hugged me. "Ajay would love you, she's like my hermana." He smiled.

He was inches away from my face, and after hours of talking, I felt a pressure on my lips as my cheeks began to heat up.

"Octavio, whatcha think ya doin'?" I heard a female voice say, but it was in a playful tone.

"Oh! Ajay! Meet (Y/N)..." he trailed off a bit and nervously chuckled.

"I couldn't help myself, she was just too cute."

-flashback ends-

Octane's POV

I loved her body against mine. It was amazing how someone who once had stubs had an amazing robotic upgrade. I could relate to that.

As we kissed, I pulled my hands down to her waist, guiding her to me, my angel.

I blushed a bit without realizing, and her (e/c) eyes looked into my soul. Was I never expected her to be the relationship type.

I placed one hand on her breast, cupping it softly, and began to kiss down to her neck.

All that ended however, quickly, when she pulled away.

"Want to stay here for the night?" She asked awkwardly. Something was up.

But I didn't reject the offer.

"Sure, can I stay in your bed though?"

She chuckled and nodded her head.

"Of course."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2020 ⏰

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