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Bryce: you're new right?

U: that obvious?

Bryce chuckles: kinda, this is Jaden, Josh, Alex and Tayler

U: I'm Melanie

Bryce; nice to meet you, and those are Nessa, Mads, Kouvr, and Kelianne

U: cool I guess, anyway we should get going, right Addi?

Addison: oh uh yeah

U: byee

The boys: byeee

U: we are so having a sleepover tonight

Addison: Melli!

U: I like that nickname

Addison: good cause you're stuck with it

You guys laugh and talk the whole class

Teacher: can you girls be quiet you're interrupting my class

Addison: and you're interrupting our conversation

U: damn Addi

Teacher: excuse you do you want detention?

You walk up to the teacher: so looks like you had fun last night, if you don't want people to see your hickeys maybe cover them

The whole class starts laughing and you walk back to your seat

The teacher clears her throat: umm lets continue

You and Addison laugh and keep talking

U: time to go home, my house or yours?

Addi: my house def!

U: ok, we'll just text me the address I'll pick up some clothes

Addi: kk see you later babes

U: bye bye

You drive home and see your mom in the kitchen

U; mom I'm spending the night at my friends house

Mom: ok sweetheart have fun, is it a boy or girl?!

U: girl! I swear!

Jackson: bye sis

U: byeeee

Mom: take clothes for school too

U: got it

You drive to Starbucks and get drinks for you and Addison, then you get her text and she mentions she has a brother so you get him a drink too, then you drive to her house

U: I got Starbucks, for you and your brother

Addison: where's yours?

U: already drank it

She chuckles and calls her brother

?: what?!

U: nvm I'll just take your Starbucks

?: wait I'm sorry, now gimme, please, I'm Quinton btw

U: Melanie, and here you go

Addison; we're gonna watch a movie so don't bother us loser

U: bye enjoy!

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