The location he sent me was of a cafe that smelt delicious just from outside.
When I entered it, the interior was modern yet it gave off a cozy vibe.
There was a spiral staircase leading to the second level of the cafe. Near the stairs was Adam waiting rather restlessly.

"Sorry Adam. I had to drop off Sandra to her playschool so I got delayed coming here" I apologized when I reached him.

His eyes met mine and for a moment I got glued to his gaze.
"Yeah,'s fine. I came like five minutes ago, so that's fine." He said sheepishly.

He led me upstairs and we sat at the furthest corner.
"Don't you think it's a bit too much just to return your tie?" I asked him jokingly.

"Well you refused me dinner, so we'll have a nice brunch date here." Was his arrogant reply.
I kept the small bag containing his tie, on the table and pushed it towards him.
We ordered our meals. I ordered especially more when I got to knew that this was Adam's treat.

"So you are in New York again. Why don't you just move in here, huh?" I taunted him.

"I did just move in here. Here, look my address" he showed his address to me and I nearly choked when I read it.
It was just three blocks away from my apartment, but I dare not tell him.
"Good for you." I managed to say.
Soon our food arrive and we dig right in.
We were eating in peace when a guy, with blonde hair and blue eyes came towards us. He was wearing the chef's coat, indicating that he worked here as a chef.
Adam saw him and got up, smiling as he enclosed the handsome guy in a brotherly hug.

"Watcha doin' here man?" He asked Adam.
"I am on a date with this lovely lady here" Adam said pointing towards me.
I didn't want to make a scene now so I just stood up and smiled.

"Carol, meet Steven Woods. My childhood friend and the owner of this cafe." Adam introduced me to him.

"Nice to meet you Mr. Woods. I am Caroline Greene" I offered my hand for a shake. But instead, he came forward and gave me a bear hug.
Woods? That's a familiar last name.

"Call me Steve." He winked at me. I was about to reply when Adam pulled me towards himself and placed his hand on the small of my back.
Steve seemed to notice this and gave a mysterious smile.

"I would love to stay and talk to my friend, but I am on a date and you are interrupting us." Adam said in a calm yet chilling voice. How he managed to do that is beyond me.

"Well I didn't knew about you coming here either. I am waiting for my baby sister." Steve told with an amusing smile.
Adam visibly stiffened, causing me to believe that Steve's sister might be one of Adams conquests.
Just as Adam was about to speak, a tall, beautiful and sophisticated blonde, with mesmerizing blue eyes came from behind Steve.
Evelyn Woods.

"Carol, meet my sister Evelyn, and Eve, this is Carol, Adams date." Steve introduced us.
Evelyn narrowed her eyes at me and then gazed up and down, as if testing me.
My casual jeans and sweater were nowhere near her elegant dress, showing off her curves.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Ms. Woods" I offered my hand politely for a shake. After scrutinizing my hand for long, she shook my hand and gave me a charming smile.

"Adam, you didn't tell me that night of the gala that you have a girlfriend." She asked arrogantly but I could sense a bit of sadness in her voice.

"I am not his girlfriend Ms. Woods. We are just eating a meal together. He is more like my friend." I quickly said, before Adam made the matter worse by speaking crap.

"You can call me Evelyn. And we are sorry to disturb you guys. Please do carry on, while I catch up with my stupid brother." She told me with a slight smile.
I nodded in response and they went off towards the other corner of the cafe, but without giving Adam a glance.

"She loves you." I stated as we were alone now.

"Too bad for her that the feelings aur not mutual." Adam stated heartlessly. I honestly felt bad for Evelyn. She seemed like a perfect match for Adam. And as far as I know from the internet, their families do buisness together. Evelyn is a model, which makes her look perfect.
I saw the way she glanced at Adam. She had feelings for him.

"What's between Evelyn and you?" I voiced out my thought and Adam seemed surprised.
Why the hell is he surprised?

"I know Steve from my childhood, so he is like a brother to me. So obviously his sister is like a sister to me. Steve, Eve, my sisters and me, we all used to play together. So I don't know why our parents thought that we'd make a great pair when we grow up, but the idea got stuck inside little Eve's mind and she started to see me as her partner." He told me the whole story, but I still it's not the full one.

Adam and Eve? I mentally cringe.

"She never told you about her feelings?" I asked, my curiosity increasing.

"She once confessed that she had feelings for me. But it was here fifteenth birthday, so I thought it was just a childhood crush and she'll grow out of it eventually." He finished.

"But clearly her feelings, instead of vanishing, got stronger. A simple crush turned into love. Don't hurt her Adam, from what I observed, her feelings are pure towards you." I informed him and he only raised his eyebrows.

"You are defending someone you met just five minutes ago." He asked with an amused expression.

"It's not about defending, it's about treating your close ones with love and respect." I smiled at him.
Soon we finished our meal and we head out. Adam insisted to escort me towards my car.

"Hey, I am throwing a house warming party this Saturday. Can you come." He said scratching the back of his head. If I am not wrong, I hear a bit of nervousness in his voice.

"I'll see. If I am free, I'll surely come. But again I am not confirming anything." I told him truth.

"That's fair. I'll see you around." He said and left.
As I got into my car, I couldn't shake off the feeling of being watched.

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