Chapter 1

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"Xiao Zhan, because of your perseverance and determination in your studies you are chosen by the Wang Foundation to be one of their scholars and you have the opportunity to study in Shanghai International School. What can you say?". Zhan smiled shyly but inside he was about to scream in joy hearing what the director of his school has said to him but then he remember how his parents oppose him to study in that city.

"U-uh, About that director... Can I talk with my parents first?". He replied. The Director nodded.

"Of course, I was about to tell you that I wanted to meet them so I can talk and explain to them regarding this matter".

"Thank you, Director. I'll tell them tomorrow to come here." Zhan said.

"Alright, Congratulations Xiao Zhan. You did well, and whatever your decision may be I'll support you".

Zhan nodded and bow his head before leaving the director's office. He walks back to his classroom with a smile on his face. It was one of his dream to study in Shanghai but his parents doesn't allow him because they are afraid of his safety.

Xiao Zhan was born omega. Male Omegas are very rare in their society and most of them were not really recognize by the community especially on the Mainland. That's why living in the countryside is better since the people were kind, open minded and the status isn't a big deal unlike in the City.

He is the only child that is why his parents are very protective towards him. Xiao Zhan grew up in a very peaceful and friendly neighborhood despite of being an omega he adored and loved by the people around him. He is known for having the alluring smile and beautiful heart in his hometown.

"Zhan Zhan, you look so happy. What happened?". Xuan Lu asked, Zhan's close friend.

"Lulu, I was chosen to study in Shanghai". Zhan excitedly announced.

"Really Zhan Zhan?". Ziyi who just came in asked as she heard a good news from her friend. Zhan nodded and both of his friends sits in front of him. He tell them what the director had told him. His friends were so happy hearing the good news since they knew how Zhan really wish to study in Shanghai. The three of them were very close friends since childhood, Xuan Lu who is very quiet, gentle and very polite while Zhan who is very friendly and kind and Ziyi who is very mischievous, she is known for having an unfriendly expression but actually very soft especially to her bestfriends.


"So, have you decided?". Ziyi asked. Their class already ended and they are already on their way home walking since their school is just meters away from their houses.

"Well, you know I can't decide on my own. I still have to ask my parents first, you two know that they don't want to me to go to Shanghai". Zhan replied. Xuan Lu patted his shoulder.

"We understand your parents, The City is too risky for male omegas. You know they are not like in our hometown. Alphas in the City were so arrogant and aggressive". Xuan Lu said and Ziyi nodded.

"Right, Zhan. Most of the Alphas in yhe City really looks down on Male Omegas but whatever your decision we support you, Zhan". Ziyi stated.

Zhan smiled and put his arms around his two friends shoulder. "Thank you, Lulu and Zizi". He muttered.


Zhan arrived in their house and was welcomed by his Mom on the kitchen who is busy cooking their dinner. Zhan felt a little bit excited as he smells his favorite dish. He immediately took off his shoes and put his bag on the couch.

"Mom!". He excitedly shout and run towards the kitchen.

"Mmm... smells delicious". Zhan muttered as he inhales the aroma. His mom chuckles seeing his son expression.

"Wash your self first then I'll call you when the food is ready". His mom said and Zhan obediently follow. He went to his room bringing his bag with him. He took a bath and do his homework while waiting to be called for dinner.

"Mom, Dad, I have something to tell you..." Zhan started. His parents stop eating and turn their attention to their child. They feel a little bit nervous about what Zhan has to say since he sounded so serious.

"I was chosen to have an opportunity to study in Shanghai and I am asking your permission to let me study there". Zhan continued. Both of his parents sigh. His mom sits closer to him and held hid hand.

"A-Zhan..." His mom called him in sad tone.

Zhan looks at his mom with a teary eye. He already knows what his parents would say and he already anticipated that they would say "No". He just tried his luck.

"I know, you won't allow me". He muttered. His parents look at each other with worried expression. They know how much their son wanted to study in Shanghai but they are afraid of what will happen since they will be not around him.

Li Shu tap his husband's hand and nod. "Zhan Zhan, Mama and Papa were sorry. You know we love you so much we are just worried for your safety". She said as she grips her husband's hand. Zhan nodded. "I understand, It's okay". He said and they continue eating in silence.

The next day, Zhan went to school and he was welcomed by his friends Lulu and Ziyi. They can sense sadness in Zhan's aura so they stayed quiet for awhile.

"Don't be so quiet, I know you want to ask me already". Zhan said and looks at his friends.

"Zhan Zhan, we already know what your parents had said. We can see it in your face". Ziyi said and he nods. "I'll be fine, I can finish my school here and maybe someday I can go to Shanghai". He said and smiled sadly.

Sometimes, Xiao Zhan wondered what if he wasn't an omega? or there are thoughts that he wish he is not an omega. "Why is it so hard?". He thought to himself.

Their conversation interrupted when their teacher came inside the classroom and started lecturing. Zhan as the bright student listen and taking up notes very well.

After his class, one of the teacher called Xiao Zhan to come to the director's office. He was about to tell the Director that he can't accept the scholarship when...

"Xiao Zhan, I am so happy for you. Your parents came this morning while you have a class and they finally allow you to study in Shanghai". He said. Xiao Zhan was shocked and his heart beats so fast. He unexpectedly feels overwhelmed by what he just heard.

"Are you sure, Director? Really?". Zhan asked for assurance. The director smiled and nod. "Yes, Zhan. Congratulations!".

Xiao Zhan cannot contain the happiness he felt he smiles so widely and his eyes became teary. "I'm so happy" he thought.


Right after the talk with the Director, Xiao Zhan went back to his classroom with a bright smiling face. His friends look at him confusedly.

"What did the director said?". Ziyi asked.

Zhan giggles. "My parents finally allow me to study in Shanghai!". He exclaimed happily. His friends immediately hug him and they jump happily.

When Xiao Zhan came home in the evening, Both his parent have to one on one talk with him. They told him why they are really against at first and how they decided to let Xiao Zhan follow his dream.

"We know how much you really wanted to study in the City and It makes us feel sad thinking that we can't support you in this. Zhan Zhan, Please take good care of yourself when you are already there. We won't be there to protect you." Li Shu said as she embrace her son. Zhan tears started to fall from his eyes "Mama, Thank you. I promise to take good care of myself". He mumbled as he wraps his arms around his Mother.

"Zhan, don't get too close to Alphas. You have to choose wisely who you going to be friends. Xuan Lu and Meng Ziyi won't be there for you. People living in the City are not the same People in our hometown. Guard your self at all time." Xiao Yingpei said as he looks at his wife and son who are embracing. Zhan nods "I will, Papa. Thank you". 


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