02 A New Alpha

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"Andy!" Aaron yells jumping on my back as I lay in bed.

"Wha da ya want ya little twerp!" I laugh tossing him on my bed and tickling the 5 year old boy. He squeals laughing uncontrollably.

"I heard father say another Alpha is coming!" He says between fits of laughter. I stop abruptly and jump out of bed. "What's wrong Andy?" He asks in his sweet little voice.

"Nothing buddy." I smile at him. "Just Alpha stuff. Father will expect me to be at his side so I need to get ready."

"But he didn't tell you about it. How can he expect you to be ready?" So innocent... he still thinks our father is a good man.

"He must have forgotten. It's okay... hey why don't you go find momma. Stay out of the pack house today alright?" I tell him.

"But I wanna meet the Alpha!" He whines.

"Aaron!... just do this for me alright pup?" I ask.

"Fine!" He pouts and runs out.

I quickly shower and dress. Within 10min. I am out of my room heading downstairs.

Last year father moved me to the pack house. He said momma was coddling me and I needed to be a man. At the same time he pulled me from public school opting to tutor me at home so he can train me to become Alpha.

I go to the kitchen for breakfast where I find my little brother.

"Aaron! What did I say about avoiding the pack house?!" I ask nearly yelling.

"I ran into Clay! We're gonna play hide and seek here!" He grins at me putting an arm around the Beta's son.

"No you're not Aaron! Take Clayton and go home, Now!" I order him.

"I don't wanna!" He yells.

"You stubborn little boy! Go Now!" I growl. Both boys jump up and run out the door.

I breath a sigh of relief until I hear a crashing followed by a growl. I run out to see the pups surrounded by a shattered vase.

"Both of you run upstairs Now!" I tell them. Wide eyed they nod and run off just as my father appears.

"What is this!" He roars stalking up to me.

"Apologies Father... I wasn't paying attention and bummed the stand. I'll clean it up now." I say looking over his shoulder. Standing tall but not meeting his eyes. I can't afford to challenge him but if I look weak it's just as bad. A fist to my ear sends me flying sideways. I land in the broken pottery slicing open my arm.

"Clean this and yourself. We have a guest coming in an hour. Be ready." He orders.

"Yes sir." I mumble pulling the vase remnants from my skin. He growls and returns to his office.

I clean up the mess and wash my arm in the kitchen sink. It stopped bleeding but still looks nasty. I run up to my room and see the two oblivious boys jumping on my bed.

"Alright you two, out!" I say hiding my arm behind me. "Take Clay home... and please stay OUT of the pack house. At least for a few hours."

"Of course Andy... I'm sorry I didn't listen." Aaron says frowning and looking at his shoes.

"Its all good buddy... it's fine now. All cleaned up. Just go." I tell him with a smile which he returns as the boys run out of my room.

I remove my shirt and replace it with a crisp white button up that covers the bandages on my arm.

"Hurry up Alpha Mason is here!" Father growls through the mind link.

"Crap!" I run out of my room and downstairs where I see my father and a tall dark haired man talking. He doesn't look that much older than me but he's an Alpha so he's at least 20.

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