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A/N: I am publishing 5 chapter in a row last time, started from here i'll be posting till the final chapter <3 I kept this on my draft since July, 30 2020

Before I forgot, Felix's doing his work by typing on computer - he remember where every letter is placed and after that he let his secretary checked it for him and correct the wrong spelling etc. ever since he's blind



Ho-how am I going to tell him? i cried silently in the cubicle while to the pregnancy stick, my tears started to pour out like heavy rains..


The rest of the day I tried to be happy around my babies, trying to think positive that i'll be having cute tiny baby in 09 months and i'll be the greatest mother for her/him..

I started making dinner and practically thinking on how to tell Mr.Lee about the pregnancy

We've been talking about having baby the past few weeks, he said the earlier the better and I hope he's happy about this.


"Again, thank you for the dinner. Your cooking skilled is like a chef, a five star michellin" he said holding my hands

"I am glad you like it" I said quietly "why.. why are a so silence today?" he asked

"I'm a little bit tired and not feeling too good" I honestly said

"Do you wanted me to called Doc Bang?" he asked "no.. it's okay, maybe because of works that's all" I assure him

"Okay, if anything happened just tell the maid to do the house work and made dinner etc." He stated with worried voice still holding my hand


"actually, I wanted to tell you smth.." I builded up my courage to tell him

"proceed" he said "I am-" *knock knock + bell rings*

"Wait, let me opened the door first." I said going to the main door


I opened the door and faced with one of the guard "who is it?" I asked him

"I am not sure Ma'am but the lady gave this note saying it's for Mrs.Lee" I took the note and said thank you to him

I stop on my steps and read the note:


I know you're probably happy now. I am sorry in advanced for it but you needed to see me tomorrow at 3pm sharp - the cafe near you worked place, the kindergarten.

Just you and nobody else.


Whoever send this must be someone I know, he/she knows about the real me. the Kwon Y/N.

I needed to see this person.


"Who is it?" Mr.Lee asked "Oh just the guard asking for the garage keys" I lied, I can't tell him about the note.

"Alright, let's do our night routine and went to sleep" he suggested "okay!" I took his arm and went to the bedroom


the next day, 2:55pm

Here I am, 5mins early before 3pm waiting for the person that gave me the note

I took early leave just to met with this person, sitting at the corner of the cafe near the window when suddenly a blonde woman sat in front of me

when she took off her sun-glasses I gasped and almost choked my own saliva

"KWON AREUM!" I whispered shout

she looked different. completely different.

"hey y/n long time no see lil sis" she smirked

"wh-what are you doing now? how? why?" there so many questions going on my mind after almost 2 months or idk how many, she decided to showed up out of nowhere?

"I needed to be with felix.." she said

I clenched my jaw "after you let me be the scape goat, you left Felix during your wedding day, you planned all this from the started and after I felt happy with him.. you suddenly showed up for i don't know whats your reason?!" I almost yelled

I hated this, I can't even be mad properly I always ended up the on who's giving up and cried.

"you see, mother's told me Felix doesn't knew you are my scape goat. So what's the point of you being happy?? during the vowed, my name was stated not yours. I am just taking back my tittle as Mrs.Lee" she stated with arrogance expression

"I-i am pregnant with his baby.." I looked down to my feet, tears fell down to my lap.

"He can't know. abort it, you don't deserved it. he doesn't deserve it either." she said

"wha- why are you so cruel? this baby don't have anything to do with this world. I am kee-" she FREAKING. CUTTED. ME. OFF.

"If you're keeping it, stayed away from him. I gave you tonight and tomorrow afternoon until then do what you need with him. I'll be moving in to the house and you must packed your stuffed ready, I've already paid for small apartment for you to moved in by tomorrow." she said while scrolling through her phone not even glance up at me

I felt pang in my heart. again, she planned it all early.. everything was perfect. I was gonna confessed to him, to tell the truth but I guess the table has turned.


I went home that day after meeting with the witch, packed all my stuff and the pictures involve both of us and replaced it with him and areum's picture.

Then, baked brownies even the smelled made me wanted to vomit every time the smelt reached my smell bud but I wanted to do something for him for the last time..

I also cooked big portion dinner for him and stuffed his refrigerator with lots of containers contained my meats seasoning recipes, kimchi and all my recipe to avoided any suspicion because I bet areum still can't cooked. With this the maid can cooked for him and her.


"What's with the big portion of food? is there any special event?" he asked smiling

I am leaving

"Nothing, just felt a bit productive and trying new recipe"

"I love all the foods, thank you. oh! for the brownies with ice-cream too" he touched my cheeks and kissed my forehead

I silently cried in front of him, he won't know.


Last night, we talked to each other like a happy family

until it lead to us, made love for the last time.

I cherished every sec, mins and hour with him.

but I guessed it ends here being the substitute bride and back to who I really was.

Goodbye my love, Lee Yongbok.. my lixie




Substitute Bride - Felix ✅Where stories live. Discover now