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It's been a couple of months ever since Y/N saw her baby daddy and witch sister. She was still hoping the truth to be told and Felix to be back with her even if it's only 2% of chances.

She almost on her due date to gave birth her baby boy and she's worried sick if there's no one to rely on during her labour day.


Y/N was watering her tiny plants that placed on her windowed at the kitchen when she suddenly felt contraction on her lower belly, she started to scream in agony.

she gripped on the sinked until her knuckled turns white and there her water broke, she tried to calm down taking a sharp breath and small steps, slowly trying to reached her phone

When she did, she tapped anyone who's in her contacted. She didn't realized it but she called...

"hello y/n?" Felix voice



I rushed to contact Areum saying that her sister need to be at the hospital for her labour

I was more panicked than her, she seems calm and told me Y/N address. I am worried because as far as I know she lived alone.


I hold her hand when the nurses pushed her into the labour room, her gripped is strong.

"Y/N calm down, calm down. inhale slowly, exhale slow-"



me? me?? i putted on confused face, maybe she was just mad because of the painful contraction-

"are you her husband? cause she needed supporter during the process" the nurse said

"i-" I opened and close my mouth like a fish needed water "YES HE IS, NO NEED TO WAIT!" y/n yelled


"Okay y/n deep breath. In one, two, three.. pushed again."

"I see the head!"

"now the body!"

I was in dazed, this is how it felt to be a father even I am not. this whole new thing fascinated me.

"Y/N i knew you are strong woman, let's take a deep breath and pushed in one exhale!" I kissed her templed and she nodded

Then we heard baby cries. Y/N also cried and laid there exhausted from pushing her baby out.

"you did a great job Y/N, I respected you" I said smiling to her. she just gave me small smile but it soon turned brighter when the nurse handed the baby



Everything went smooths after the labour. Y/N was resting while the baby was getting checkup.

Her parents visited her and smile proudly at her, that is the best thing that happened in her life.

She felt completed even when she doesn't had her baby daddy with her during 09 months pregnancy at least her small mistakes lead her to made her baby daddy to be with her during her labour day.

After her parents arrived, Felix excused himself to went back home and said he'll came again tomorrow with Areum's, not forgetting to congratulate her one more time.


After 02 hours of resting, the nurse took the baby to Y/N for breastfeeding the tiny toddler. Her parents was there all the time except this time they gave her some privacy

after the breastfeed, her doctor - doctor hwang hyunjin came to see her and gave her useful advices such as that skin ship can make mother-child bonding to be more stronger.


The next day,

Y/N was resting while lullabying her baby when a knocked was heard

"come in" she said "y/n-ah  congratulations on your labour" Areum said and looked at the baby but y/n knew better than anyone that Areum actually doesn't really like children because she said that they're disgusting, always wanted toys, noisy and etc

Y/N don't like how she described the toddlers. she said it as if she hasn't been a child before she became a woman. She seriously despised it. For Y/N they are actually a gifts, a special gift from the heaven. They are made to be small and cute, and once they grow up you'll miss on how small and tiny they are.They are meant to be cherished and appreciated.

A/N: Author in real life really love babies, I just wanna squish their chubby cheeks or even bite them-

Felix stand at the corner of the hospital bed fidgeting

"can i.. can I hold him?" he asked

"sure, but be sure to be more careful he is more fragile than glass" Y/N agreed and warned at the same time

Felix cradled and cooed at the baby while Y/N watched them with heart eyes. This made the third party - Areum's - to boiled

She's jealous on how perfect they looked if they're together

just then A nurse came in with a clipboard gaining attention three of them

"Ms. Kwon would you like to registered his named now?" the nurse asked

"yes" she said "Lee Minho" she continued

"hey that's a nice named, I always wanted a son named Minho. Guessed we needed new named for our future child, right Areum?" he asked with excitedly

"wh- ah yes yes.." areum's replied with slight nervousness "but why lee and not kwon?" felix asked out of curiosity "That's the baby daddy surname.." Y/N said quietly

yes Y/N named Minho because Felix wanted his son to be named that when they're having conversations about having children and she granted his wish, if only he knew.

"alright. There are some papers that needed to be filled in then ms.Kwon can get back home by this afternoon. Any family members wanted to filled for her?" she asked

"Honey can you filled in her papers? I'll accompany Y/N" Areum said with sweet voice "sure" Felix said handed baby minho back to Y/N

"great, this way sir."



"I told you to not get involved in anything to him" Areum said  as soon as the nurse and Felix disappeared

"i- i am not" I said defending "Oh Y/N i knew you still love him, you even named after your son the named that Felix wanted. Don't think that I don't know" she sassily poke my shoulder. hard with her long nail.

enough to make me wince in pain

"I warned you again, DO. NOT. GET. INVOLVED. WITH. LEE. YONGBOK. AKA. FELIX. stay away from him or you wouldn't want your little baby to be alive" she threatened while poking my forehead multiple times, I hold my baby closer

"ye-yes.." a tear slipped down to my cheek.

Draft: July 31, 2020

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