Small rant on covid-19

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So I was tested on the July 24 because of COVID. And my dad was COVID positive and didn't tell me. So he got sick and I thought it was just a cold that he had till it got worse so me and my brother drove him to the ER then that's when he tells us he was COVID positive me and my brother used our masks but there where time we didn't and I got sick but I should be ok but my dad isn't so well he's in the ICU right now because he couldn't breathe.
I'm mad at him because he's old now he's in his  60s to know something like this isn't something that will go away in a few days he didn't use his mask correctly left his nose uncovered and didn't think to tell us about it.
The day after we left him in the ER he called us to go visit him in the hospital during a pandemic we're not allowed to go in the hospital there is no visiting there then gets mad because we didn't break the law to go see him I'm going a lot better then I did on 26 of July I was shit because I got COVID from my dad if you want Proof Here's my proof (that's my discharges from being tested)

The day after we left him in the ER he called us to go visit him in the hospital during a pandemic we're not allowed to go in the hospital there is no visiting there then gets mad because we didn't break the law to go see him I'm going a lot bette...

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