A Ride Home

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(This is an AU where William didn't kill Henry's daughter Charlotte, but he's still a murderer)

Warning: this chapter includes spoilers related to The Silver Eyes novel.

Written by me!

William was standing in front of a small building with a large and clear sign above its front doors, which said "Fredbear's Family Diner". He was leaning against his car as he patiently waited for Henry's daughter, Charlotte, to come out of the diner. Would you take care of her for me? He remembered Henry asking him in the middle of the day if he could look after his beloved daughter for some time, since he felt sick and had to go home. It didn't surprise William in the slightest. Winter was coming, the air was cold and Henry often neglected wearing proper clothing for the cool weather.

The front door swung open and a brown haired teenage girl walked out of the diner and made her way towards William. As soon as he saw her, he crossed his arms, as if trying to look like an upset parent. "What took you so long?"
"Sorry, I went to see Fredbear and Springbonnie again." Charlie said, playing with her leather jacket's sleeve. She didn't dare to make eye contact with him.
"It's fine. Get in the car, I'll go lock the front door." He gestured towards the diner. Charlie gave him a quick nod and got into his car.

William liked Charlie, but there was something between them that just didn't allow them to get closer, an invisible wall. Perhaps it was Charlie's fear of strangers? Or maybe she just didn't want to become friends with William? Nobody ever knows with her.

Charlie wasn't just some ordinary girl like most girls nowadays. She was caring and very pretty, but strange, just like her father. Sometimes William would catch her gazing at him with a strange, almost creepy expression, as if he had done something terrible to her.

Once in William's car, William pulled out of the parking lot and drove away. Charlie sat in the passenger's seat, since she thought sitting in the back seat would offend William.
As they drove, Charlie watched the trees as they passed by them, seemingly lost in her own thoughts. William on the other hand, had a very busy day at the diner and just wanted it to be finally over. Before he could drive himself home, he had to drive Charlie to her father's house first. He moved his eyes from the almost empty road to his watch. 8:08 pm. He let out a tired sigh.
"Rough day?"
William jumped a little, then turned his attention to Charlie.
"Yeah..." He nodded.
"Sorry if I'm making this even rougher for you...it's just...my dad, you know?" She lowered her eyes to her lap.
"It's fine, don't worry about me." William said warmly.
"It was never easy with my father, right?"

William went silent for a moment. Sure, Henry had a talent that William had never seen in anyone before, not even in himself, but he was a mysterious man.
Henry was more of an introvert. He'd often come to William with tons of great ideas. He was very creative and had a wild imagination, but he'd get so shy and nervous while talking to strangers, mostly random customers he'd run into while wandering around his and William's humble diner.
William couldn't blame Henry for the way he was. After all, it wasn't really his fault.

"Your father's very talented, you know?" William asked, avoiding Charlie's question.
"I know, but he changed." Charlie said, "Ever since my mother left him, he spends most of his time in his little workshop. He rarely comes out of there..."
William smiled. Hearing about Henry's divorce has always made him so happy. Seeing Henry's family and friends leave him made him genuinely happy. He wanted all of Henry's attention and time. He needed it.
"He just needs some time, Charlotte. He simply can't deal with Fredbear's and his divorce at the same time." He smiled at her, trying his best to make her believe him.
"Why did this happen? Why my family? Why Sammy? Why not me? " Charlie sobbed as a tear ran down her cheek.

William paused. It was him, but she didn't know. He was the one who kidnapped Charlie's twin brother all those years ago. While Henry seemed to forget about the disappearance and death of his son, Charlie would never try to do the same. That one last Halloween party she had spent with him taught her not to let go of people she cares the most about.

She knew exactly in which closet she saw him for the last time, but she couldn't bring herself to go there. Even looking at the closet's door made her anxious.

"I--err-what are you talking about?" William stuttered out.
"You know...that one Halloween party at Fredbear's...that's when Sammy got kidnapped. Don't you remember?"
"Sorry, I don't." He lied. He did remember. "I can't really think straight right now. I'm pretty tired."
"Oh...well...it's fine. It doesn't really matter anyways..." Charlie's gaze returned to the window while talking. In fact, it did matter. Even if Sammy was gone, she'd spend hours thinking about him.
After an awkward silence, Charlie decided to change the subject. "My father talks about quite a lot."
"Oh does he now?" William asked, sounding surprised and intrigued.
"He keeps on repeating how nice you are towards him and how much he enjoys working with you. He could gush about you for hours. Maybe even days!"
William smiled to himself. "What else he says about me?"
"He says he admires the way you talk to your customers. He dreams of being as outspoken and honest as you." she said, "He thinks you're a great influence to the children. Do you think the same?"
If only you two knew... William thought, smirking.
"I suppose, yeah." he shrugged.

They kept on chatting for some time until William pulled up in front of Emily's house. He scanned it for a moment.
It wasn't anything big or fancy, but it wasn't small either. It was perfect. A perfect house for a perfect person. Henry. William thought. My Henry.

"Thank you so much for taking me home, Mr. Afton." Charlie said, heading to the front door of her father's house with William following close behind her.
"No need to thank me, Charlotte." William walked beside her, "Make sure your father gets better soon."
"Don't worry, I'll return him as soon as possible. Fredbear's without him isn't Fredbear's, am I right?" she smiled warmly at him.
That beautiful smile of yours, it reminds me of your father's, only his shines much brighter. William wanted to say, but instead, he plainly agreed "Indeed."
When they stood in front of the house, William said "Well, I guess this is where we part ways. Have a good night, Charlotte."
"Goodnight, Mr. Afton." she smiled and entered their house. But before she closed the door, she added "Also, you can call me Charlie if you want."
"Alright then. Make sure you go to bed early, Charlie." William said in a goofy tone.
"Sure thing, dad." Charlie rolled her eyes jokingly. She waved at him and then finally closed the door, leaving William alone in the cold darkness.
He stood still for a while, thinking about the name Charlie just used. Dad. He sighed. When was the last time I heard this word?

After two minutes of standing alone in Emily's driveway, he turned around and made his way towards his car. Before he got inside, he gave Henry's house one last glance. Must be nice to take care of Henry...if only that was me...but it'll happen one day. I can't give up now. One day, I'll have him all for myself. He thought while letting a devilish grin creep up his pale face.

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