Work Affairs

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Warning: this chapter includes hardcore NSFW. Read at your own risk!!!

Also no spoilers!

Written by: @BlueGirlOnline

(Please don't kill us for this.)

William's P. O. V.
Another fucking day in this restaurant with these fucking kids. All of them running around, laughing, screaming and yelling. I could feel a migrane kicking in. All of those little brats were pissing me off, getting on my nerves with that undying energy of theirs. In one corner there were kids messing around with the animatronics, in another they were eating pizza and THROWING pieces of it at EACH other! "I am so not cleaning that up after them." I grumbled under my breath before sighing and rubbing my temples on my forhead, trying to make my headache go away. This is what I envied from Henry. He always gets to stay hidden, taking care of stuff behind the scenes, while I have to be out on the floor, making sure these brats don't go killing each other.

I never wanted kids, never knew what all the fuss was about. All the "Kids are the best part about getting married" Crap couldn't be of less value to me. Best part of being married? I could hardly name one good part of being married to her. At first, I thought I loved Lora (William's wife) and wanted to spend the rest of my life with her. But I slowly realized that deep down, she meant little to nothing to me. Instead, I noticed how happy and excited I get whenever I'm around Henry. How relaxed and at peace I feel when it's just the two of us. But under that, I feel something more. Something that almost hurts. The burning need to have him all to myself. To have him submit to me. To get to claim each and every bit of him inside out. Each centimeter of his smooth skin. Each and every muscle and joint. I realized I needed him to belong to me and only me. But those stupid wives were getting into our way. But they're not here right now to get into my way. Henry's all mine here. I need to go see him. These brats will be fine on their own for a bit.

I walked over to his office quickly, trying to remain calm, to not scare him, but I could hardly contain my heart which felt as if it would burst out of my chest. I need to see him. I need to see him. I. Need. To. See. Him. I quickly grabbed the doorknob of his office and without making a single sound, I opened the door.

I walked in and saw him. Like always, he was hunched over his desk, pencil in hand, swiftly moving in on a paper in front of him. I slowly, without a sound closed the door and sneaked up to him. Seeing he still hasn't noticed me, I walked up right next to him, to see what he was working on. It was then when he seemed to notice my presence. He jumped up in his chair, almost falling from it, dropping his pencil in the process. I couldn't stop the laughter from bursting out of me. I laughed so hard my stomach was beginning to hurt. Henry was a red blushing mess, to the point where I couldn't tell if he was burning up because of embarrasment or because of the burning rage he held for me at the moment. "W-what's your problem Afton?! You scared me half to death! If you couldn't see, I'm trying to work here!" I slowly stopped laughing and wiped away the tear that made it's way into my eye because of all the laughter "I'm sorry Henry, I really am. I just can't help it, plus, you have the best reactions in the whole world." Henry sighed and shook his head "I swear... Anyway, why are you here and not watching the kids?" He asked, looking at the door, as if he could see through it and get to watch what the kids are up to. I only chuckled "The little "angels" should be fine on their own for a bit." I laughed a bit after that statement and surprisingly, so did Henry.

Willry/Helliam oneshots (FNaF)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz