Dancing Queen

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Warning: blood

Written by BlueGirlOnline!

Cheerful music echoed through the party room as little kids ran around screaming, laughing, singing and playing. And in the middle of all that chaos was William, stuck at work even though he'd rather be doing literally anything else. He sighed and took a sip of the overly-suggary punch only to cringe at the sweet and sour liquid. He looked around, searching the room with his eyes, hoping to see the one good thing in his life. Others would assume he's looking for his wife, but others didn't know William. He "enjoyed" his wife's company more than enough at home. (Please mind the sarcasm at the "enjoyed" part). Though in public they looked like any other ordinary couple, at home they fought and argued constantly. William was desperate do get a divorce with her or get rid of her through some other way, but sadly, he couldn't. And frankly, even if he could, what would he do then? He wasn't really swimming in money and didn't really have anywhere to go.

He shook his head, not wanting to think about that right now. Another sigh escaped his thin lips as he searched the room with his eyes again, hoping that by some magical miracle, Henry would appear and save him from the hellhole he called his life. Grumbling something to himself, he got up and left to take care of some other things.

Henry's P. O. V.
I awkwardly made my escape from a bunch of rather loud kids. So young and energetic, I could hardly imagine that I was once the same. Probably because I wasn't. I was always the quiet one, who kept to himself, always doodling into his sketchbook. That was before I met William. I can't help but smile at all the things we've been through together. I looked around the room for him, but he was nowhere in sight. I sigh, slightly disappointed and more sad than I should be. Looking at the kids running around, I think for a bit. After a while I decide that the party will be fine on it's own for a bit, so I decide to go look for Will.

~ A few minutes later ~

I looked all over the place, but I couldn't find Will anywhere. Before giving up I remembered that I haven't checked the staff room. Filled with hope and determination (haha undertale reference) I strut on over to the room. I knock on the door before opening it to reveal a dark, ominous room. "Will? You here?" I was about to leave when I saw a dark figure move. I quickly turned on the lights to see the one and only William Afton cleaning one of the suits. It had red, almost brown, stains on it and upon closer inspection it looked like...blood stains. "Will? What is that?"

William's P. O. V.
Damn damn damn! He wasn't supposed to see this! Come on William! Think damnit! "It's the Spring Bonnie suit!" Yeah, nice cover, dumbass. Henry gave me a look that just screamed "yeah no shit Sherlock." He crossed his arms on his chest and glared at me "That's not what I meant. The stains. What happened?" Shit shit shit. Great, I have to think of an excuse now! A chuckle escaped my lips as I put the suit's head part down "Well you know how kids are, always running around, making a mess! Well, some kids snuck in here and poured some punch on the suit! So here I am, trying to clean it up." You couldn't have come up with anything more stupid?! He didn't seem to be buying it and I can't blame him. He stayed silent for a bit and oh boy, it was the longest, most awkward bit in my life. He then spoke up "Need any help with it?" I had to restrain myself really hard to not sigh in relief and only shook my head "Nah, it's okay." Henry didn't seem convinced as he took a closer look "It looks pretty bad, let's take it to the bathroom." I tried to come up with an excuse, but before I could he grabbed the head and began walking to the bathrooms. I followed him suit, making sure noone was around to see us. We walked in and he headed straight to a sink. He put the head aside, cloged the sink and let it fill up with cold water. The sound of the water running was the only thing keeping us company, since both of us stayed quiet. That was until Henry spoke up "Sooooo, how are things at home? How's the miss?" I groaned before putting on a fake smile. "Oh well, you know. We just can't get enough of eachother. I just absolutely adore her and she pretty much worships me. Truly it's like heaven!" I dropped the smile as soon as I finished talking, making my point VERY clear. Henry gave me a pitiful look before he looked away and messed with his fingers. "So still a lot of fighting?" He asked, grabbing the Spring Bonnie head. I nodded "Pretty much, yeah." He got some soap and water on the head and began scrubbing the stains. "I'm really sorry to hear that." I stayed quiet, forcing myself to ask him in return to be polite "What about you? How's the family?" I hated asking him that. WE were supposed to be a family! I was supposed to be his family! "Oh well, the kids are just fine, Charlotte is doing excellent at school and Sammy is trying his best as well." He said, smiling proudly, while still scrubbing the stains off the head. Conflicted feelings mixed inside me. I love seeing Henry be happy or proud, but I hated that it wasn't because of me! Those little brats are taking up all of his attention! I bawled my hands into fists, trying to remain calm.

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