Chapter 1

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One day like any other, I, a 15 years old boy, was calmly walking towards my school. I saw my wrist clock and thought, "I will arrive early to school today... I might be able to do some homework before class." Or so I thought. 

On the way, I meet my good friend, and he rushes towards me and greets me with the usual fist bump. We walked together for about 3 blocks, and before arriving to school he asks me with a rather immature tone "Where is your girlfriend?" I looked at him with a cold glare in my eyes and replied just as cold "What is a girlfriend?" My friends smiles and looks at me "You are a lost case eh" We both laugh and continue our way to school. I couldn't do my homework, just as I predicted.

Once in the classroom, everything was normal. The classes were very boring, like usual, and when lunch time came, the nerd got assaulted again. Just like every other day. If I had to describe him, I'll say he is a genius, and a good person. He looks like a stick who is about to break. He wears big, rectangle-shape glasses, who just make him more targetable by those who like to abuse the weak. I rather not get involved with him, because then I could be a target as well. I being curious of why he just let this happens I come close to him and ask "Why you always let this happen? Aren't you tired?" He looks at me with a shocking expression, and answer with a low tone and cracking voice "I-I do-don't really care... I have more food just in case." I thought he was a bit odd, but if he is not bothered then why should I be. I leave him be, as my class is almost starting. I go to my locker, leave some of my heavy books and lunch utensils, grab some other books and go to my last class before leaving the school. 

The class was Physics. The teacher was writing some hard, intimidating formulas on the board, and as soon as he was finish, he began using his laser-sight to choose a victim. I notice this, and quickly put my head down to avoid his sight. Somehow  I'm not chosen, but my friend who sits on my right is chosen as the victim instead. He has no idea what is he writing on the board, and the teacher notices and sends him to sit down as the teacher finishes the problems. 

The time seemed to be either infinite, or being completely frozen, but after what seemed an eternity of math and physics, the bell rang. Yes, I'm talking about that bell. That bell of happiness and joy. That bell of freedom. That is the bell we all love, and it has just ringed. It was time to be free of school. It was time to procrastinate my responsibilities and play video games instead. I leave the classroom in a bit of a rush, so the other students won't clash with me and take me down the flow of the freedom sea of tired high school students.

Before arriving home, at about 2 blocks from my house I hear a commotion. I immediately thought of two imminent options : Go and see what's all the fuss about, or go inside home and check out those new updates in the online game I play, but in the end curiosity got the better of me. 

I carefully  peeked the street where all the screams were coming from, and saw a girl, who I thought to be rather good looking, being bullied by some men. Once again my mind was in conflict. I had two options. A part of me thought that it was best to leave her resolve this by her own means and go play video games. But another part of me wanted to be her hero in shining armor who saves her from the horrifying bullies. About 10 seconds went by and I decided I wanted to be her hero... 

I approached the girl as if I knew her, and said to the bullies with my deepest, most confident voice "Is there something going on with this lady?" The person who appeared to be the leader grabbed me by shirt and lifted me a bit, threatening me he said "Do you want trouble, tomboy?" It was at this moment I knew I fucked up. But then I saw the girl's eyes in tears, she looked at me with shock and awe, almost as if she was looking her hero. Filled with determination I said, in a less manly tone "Leave the lady alone." The thugs started to laugh like hyenas, and the leader pinned me to the wall, "What are you gonna do if we don't?" Being a little shocked from the impact, I decided to gather all my strength, and with all my force I punched the guy in the face. Instantly he goes numb. Apparently I hit him in a weak spot and he passed out. I was in shock, I didn't know I had this kind of strength, but I didn't questioned. The other bullies looked at me, in shock as well. They picked up their leader. I didn't think twice. I grabbed the girl and ran to my house, which was only a few blocks away. The thugs didn't follow.

Once in my house the girl looked at me in confusion and asked, "Why did you did such?... Why put yourself in danger?" I thought for a while 'Why did I do that', and after finding the most convenient answer I replied with a confident tone, grasping for air from running  "If I didn't do it... Who else would have?"  The girl, now in shock from my answer thanks me, and I noticed that I lost a lot of time, and my friends probably started the raid without me. "NOOOOOOOO" I screamed inside my mind. The girl looked at me and asks me with a low tone "Wh-what's your name?..." I come back to earth and shake my head, "What's yours?" I replied to her question with another question, smooth. She blushes, clearly from my smoothness and replies in low voice "My name's Mei..." I started to view my memory to see if I had met her before, but to be honest with you, I have not met that many females besides my sisters. I reply with a soothing and cheerful voice "Nice to meet you Mei, I'm Haru." Mei seemed to be lost in thought for a couple seconds and then shockingly replies, "Ah, are you Haru from my class?!" I was lost in my thoughts again. I have certainly not hear of any Mei in my class. Could it be she is not very popular? A new transfer student? Could it possibly be that I am an asocial weeb? No, definitely not the last. The voice of the girl makes me come back to reality, "I will talk to you tomorrow in class!" I was a bit shocked, it was the first time I heard the words 'I will talk to you' genuinely, without any kind of trick behind it. She said such words out of her own will. 

I decided to accompany Mei to her house. Surprisingly it was not very far from mine. "D-do you want something to eat?" Mei offered me as soon as we got to her house. "Ah.. Sure? Why not. Do you happen to have a computer with internet?" I asked her, anxious to see if I could check my stuff, since I was not able to in the whole day. "Yeah, you can use it if you want." She said as she opened the door to her house. She lets me in her house, everything was organized, clean and neat. "The computer is upstairs in my room" Mei says as she guides me to her room. I got a bit nervous. Why? It was the first time entering a girl's room. My friend would definitely get jealous if I told him of my achievements. She enters her room and asks me to wait a minute, and I thought that she was probably putting away her underwear... A few minutes pass and she exits her room, "You can come in" She said smiling. Without looking around too much I sit down in her computer. "I will make something to eat." Mei said as she was leaving the room. "Alright, it's almost 6:30, I can make it to the events. I just need to download the game..." I thought to myself. As I began exploring Mei's computer, I noticed she already has the game. I was really surprised. Not many girls are into this kind of game. "Probably a family member plays it..." I thought to myself again, as I open the game....

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