Untitled Part 1

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The table shook as Guy rested his arms on its surface. He leaned in closely to see Bill's work, squinting to read the fine text written on the crystal test tubes. He noticed Bill tense as the carefully level measurements started to ripple.

"You know, reading glasses have been proven to be quite effective for adults who can't read, they might just work for you." Bill said as he subconsciously brushed his lab coat for the 8th time in Guy's presence.

"You already know I have glasses, 120 in fact." Guy quipped back.

"Didn't realize that your sports glasses had optical correction...but I've been surprised before."

Guy knew better than to respond, only letting out a light chuckle -- he assumed Bill's focus to be stolen by the work at hand. A controlled chaos littered the table to which only Bill knew how to navigate. However, Guy had been studying his new friend's habits and training his eye. Noticing particular patterns in Bill's work, Guy made an effort to memorize them. He had been doing this for some time now, ever since they got paired on a limited series 'Cooking with Chemistry'. Little shifts in body language alerted him to how his friend was feeling.

Guy always had an intuitive approach to life in addition to cooking food, so seeing Bill stringently measure and time his recipes proved to be intriguing. Bill pulled out a tray of cookies from a beeping oven recording every possible measurement he could into journal. Bill stood back abruptly after taking a bite, a moment genuine shock.


"Mmmh? Do you care to share your discovery Mr. Nye."

"Here take a bite." Bill practically shoved the cookie into Guy's hands, "It'll be the best cookie you've ever had."

They had both been cooped up in the studio all day working on their last episode together; the theme, a dessert to end all desserts. Surely chocolate chip cookies were the way to go, such a basic treat that almost every viewer could make them while still providing so much room for experimentation.

When the cookie touched Guy's taste buds all exhaustion and lull he had been experiencing that day were ripped away.

"Shut the front door." The cookie now stealing his attention, "How did you make something this funkalicious in such a sweet little cookie?"

"I put benzoylmethylecgonine in it."

"Wow, we really got to start putting more of benzoyl-cocagin-whatEVEr in our food," Guy went over the pan and started stacking his hands full of the cookies, "the audience is gonna love this! I'll call the executives and see if they can get a boatload of this stuff before we shoot tomorrow."

"You go and do that."

Guy placed his extra cookies on a plate before taking his phone out. However, it should be noted that benzoylmethylecgonine is in fact cocaine so Bill kept an idle ear out to see how the network executives would react to Guy essentially asking for 'a boatload of cocaine' and to use said 'boatload' in the show's food. To Bill's amusement they were quick to turn Guy down.

"Was I just eating cocaine?" Guy's gazed sat horrified on his leftover cookies.

"Haha - of course not - I just added some banana in, natural sweetener without all of the crazy chemicals. Plus it's got potassium, always a great mineral to have!"

Guy scoffed as he went to pick up his cookies. Keeping eye contact with Bill as he walked away, "You're lucky that this is good enough for flavortown or I'd be even more upset right now."

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