One Night

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A/N: Hey everyone! I wrote this as i'm currently reading 'Lady Midnight'. I'm still working on the story. But here's a small chapter. I'll try to update soon! 😊💕
This is so not how she thought she would be spending her day. Being a shadowhunter was her whole life. Being proud of that, she hadn't thought or imagined that she would ever need to know things about being mundane. Yet, she found herself at the doorsteps of one. Not that she didn't have any friends who were girls. It's just that this was a sensitive subject and none of her friends at the institute had gone through this. And it's not like she could talk to Jules about this. Not until she was 100% sure. These were the times when she wished she still had her mom with her. But no matter how much she wished and prayed that she would come back to her, she knew it was impossible.The only person who she had opened up to when she was little. There was some sort of connection between the two. Even if her husband had been her first crush ever. They got through that and even joked about it occasionally. Staring at the teal colored door she hesitated. Hand mid-air.  Minutes went by until she mustered up enough courage to knock. Footsteps could be heard reaching the door. When it opened she saw a short red head with her hair in a bun. Juggling a basket of laundry on her hip. "I was wondering when you were going to knock." " knew I was here and didn't say anything?" She asked, stuttering from nerves. "I didn't want to intimidate you into coming in." Her hands gestured for her to enter. She passed by her and went to sit on the couch. "So what's up? Not that you need a reason to come and visit me." With her hands in her laps she fiddled with them. "So is Charlie here? I know she loves it when I visit." "Charlie is spending some time with her grandparents for the day. And Jace is with Alec doing some bonding thing." "So it's just the two of us here then?" "Yeah, why? What's up with you? You seem nervous or like you're about to puke." "Maybe it's a little of both." Clary moved to sit beside her. The laundry basket forgotten on the floor. "Hey, you can talk to me about anything. You know that." Her hands cupped hers and she seemed to relax at her touch. Taking a couple breathes she finally came out and said it. "I've been feeling a bit off lately. When I wake up in the morning my body feels tired and weak. And i've not have much of an appetite. When I do feel like eating, it's weird food combinations. Like, peanut butter and pickles. Or apples with salt. Those are just to name a few." A look of realization passed over Clary's face. "Oh. So you're positive about this?" "That's the thing. I have a clue as to why. But i'm not sure. I've never had to deal with this. I did go to some mundane pharmacy and purchase a test. But it's so complicated. That's why I came here."

"Because, I've been through this before. I will be more than happy to help you Em. You're practically family! And besides Charlie loves you just as much as I do. If it is true, we will get through this together. You're not alone in this." And with those words the tears that she'd held in started to fall down her face.  Now she wasn't the type of person to cry or in front of anyone. At least anyone but Jules. Which brought up a whole new issue in itself.  They hadn't talked about anything since that night they were together. And now this was happening and she couldn't talk to him. Not yet anyways. Clary had explained how to take the test and that sometimes they weren't always accurate. And that the best way in knowing for sure is to go see a doctor. Preferably an institute doctor. There was never an easy way to explain to a mundane doctor that you were carrying a baby that had angel blood and was unique from other mundane babies.  The timer on her phone seemed to go by so slow. Who would' ve thought that that three minutes could be so intimidating and tortuous all at the same time. At the moment she was sitting on the white colored tiles in the bathroom. Clary and she hadn't spoken since she peed on the small stick. Which she thought was weird. How could anyone determine anything medical with pee? A buzzing noise interrupted her thinking. Now she was filled with so much anxiety. Normally, when she felt that way she would run miles to calm her down. And as much as she so wanted to dash out of the door; she knew she couldn't.  Being a Shadowhunter ironically did come with an instruction manual. But somehow she doubted that the Codex would have a chapter for 'What to do if you're expecting'.  Taking a deep breath in she finally stood up and silenced her phone timer. Blinking her eyes open she turned the stick upside down and Clary went to her side. Taking her left hand for support. Squeezing it she looked at the two pink lines staring at her...

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