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For participants
1. Permanent Follow to this account Eunny_Ame_ and eunicesamuel229
2. Permanent Follow to the judges of your category when they will be announced.
3. Add the book to your private and public reading lists so that you are updated.
4. Give a shout-out to this book on your page. The password for participants is your favorite song.
5. Books should have at least 5 published chapters excluding the prologue/aesthetics/introduction etc.
6.Poetry or short stories should have a minimum of three chapters.
7. We are accepting books written in English only.
8. If you change your Username or your Book's name, please pm one of the hosts. This is mandatory!
9. You are allowed to enter multiple books but only if they are in different genres. One book cannot be present in two different genres.
10. A participant can be a judge too in any genre in which he/she is not participating.
11. Books with more than 15K reads are not allowed to enter.

For Judges
1. Permanent follow to this account Eunny_Ame_ and admin eunicesamuel229
2. Add this book to both , your public and private reading list so that you can get the necessary announcements. Password is your favourite snack
3. If you planning on judging and participating for the awards, make sure that you are judging a different genre and joining a different one.
4. You are only required to read 5 chapters. You may read more if wanted.
5. There will be a specific form in which you will have to give the final results to us, its fairly easy so don't take the stress.
6. Please do not accept any bribery from participants of the awards
7. To enter, it's not necessary for you to have the experience, as we all know that we have to start somewhere.

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