208 8 3

Remember to follow your judge!!

judge: RiverTuan

1.  A peek into the past by monica_ahuja

2. Path by accidents by jescykacharm

3. Zack by nifiee_

4. Captured by safekeira25

5. A little harmony by skullantacysmith


6. The art of starting over by aliastummas1

7. Red by cl2121

8. Love's a bitch by itz_anji

9. The rules of pursuit by Debasmita02mitra

10. Caught between by wuraola23


11. Love hurt doesn't it? By oluwasijuwomi

12. Command me to be well by heraharker

13. Shadows and stars by annabelwilliams92

14. The azure by depressed_book_worm

15. Exiled to kootenia by sticklady2015

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