Chapter 1

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We see the Doom Slayer taking out the trash like usual. Which means demons, if didn't know that already.

Vega: Demon energy levels have gone down 70%

The Slayer nods, as he shoots a rocket, then a plasma shot completing the combo, and stunning a Pinky. He rushes forward and rips off one of its tusks and stabs it into the pinky's eye. He takes out his chainsaw as he cuts a Hell Knight in half. He turns around to the other demons which seem to be about 80 of them. 30 of them are heavy demons. He takes the BFG and completely destroys them with one click.

Vega: All demonic threats neutralized.

The Doom Slayer looks at his work with pride, as he gets ready to find another location until a bright light surrounds him. This caused him to fade away like Thanos snapped his fingers.

After a few minutes of bright lights, he appears to be in a really bright room. Doom Slayer seems to not like the bright room considering how his environment is really dark. But you all knew that right?

Doom Slayer: Needs more blood (He is just thinking this btw.)

Doom Slayer looks around until he sees someone looking up at him. She is covered in white and seems to have her skin showing. The doom slayer thinks this is a weakness though.

???: Hello hero!!! My name is Ristarte, a goddess and you are needed to save a dimension from destruction. ( That's how you spell her name right?)

After that, silence just enters the room until she decided to speak again.

Ristarte: Ummmmmmmmmm.................. Can't you talk? And what's up with the blood and advanced armor?

Doom Slayer: Vega, speak to this 'goddess'

Vega: Hello, I am Vega and I am the Slayer's AI. The blood is from the demons we have killed seconds ago. The Armor was specifically made for the slayer.

Restarte: Ok............... Anyway, I need your help to defeat the Demon Lord of a place called-

A shotgun getting cocked back interrupts her.

Vega: I suggest we help you with this so-called demon problem right now.

Ristarte, a little annoyed, decides to look at your stats. She becomes surprised when all the stats say (N/A)

Ristarte: W-What!? Why are all his stats not available!?

Vega: Excuse me. Can we go to this universe?

Ristarte: A-Alright

She opens a portal and the slayer instantly walks through.

Ristarte: He should at least be low-level, so I should bring him to the low-level area so he can grind up.

She also walks through after him.

See you next time.

A Brutal Hero (Cautious Hero) Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon