chapter 15~the events following~(WARNING;Panic attack)

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     AN;im so sorry for the long wait! My Wi-Fi hasnt been the best so I couldnt post! Also,sorry for the relatively short chapter, and don't worry guys! It gets less angsty,I promise!

     Its been a week since I was released from the hospital, and every night,I wake up in a sweat because of the horrible,horrible nightmares,I cant stand being cuddled anymore,and it breaks my heart that roman is hurt because of it.
     I groan as i realize tgat I'm going to have to go back to school today, the events flash through my mind as we head to the car,roman has been staying with me every night at pattons to make sureim Okay, my knees go weak and i stumble forward, Roman grabs me softly,but it seems as though all my senses are tightened,I push him away and tear up,as flashes come back to my mind,being held down,being used.
     I lean against the car as I feel my chest tighten and mylungs constrict. Patton is by my side making sure im okay, but Roman is standing 7 feet away,looking so hurt and I felt my breathing hitch. I bring my hands to my chest and claw at it,as if if I maybe dig enough air will fill my lungs.
     I feel tears streaming down my face as Patton's voice clears my mind " okay Virge, tell me 5 things you see" he instructed, I try to but its as if my voice is ripped away from me. "C'mon Virgil,5 things you see" patton repeated. I croak out the first thing "r-Roman" Patton's voice is faint in my head as i hear him count "u-I'm t-the car" I croak out,still clawing at my chest. "T-the house" i whisper out,as it's all I can muster. I hear Patton's voice go "three,2 more" I look down "t-the gravel a-and my shoes" I finish and sink down slowly,now sitting on the pavement.
     "Okay Virgil, now 4 tgings you feel" Patton's voice flowed through my mind, I still claw at my chest as I think "p-pressure on my chest" I let out as a sob floats its way up my throat. "R-regret" I let out next. Patton is once again counting along "t-he groubd beneath me and the c-car" I say witg a shaky breath,tge sob creeping up higher.
   "3 things you hear" patton said,his voice seeming closer. I feel some pressure relief from my chest and take in a shaky breath "y-your voice, m-my voice, a-and cars driving by" i let out,my sob now at full capacity.
     "Now 2 things you smell?" Pattons voice is now clear and my lungs feel better. "B-breakfast and r-Roman's nice cologne" I breathe out.
     "1 thing you taste?" My lungs release pressure completely as I say my answer "r-Roman's Chapstick" I breathe in a deep breath and let it out,feeling better. I look up at roman who had now come over and sat next to me. "Im so sorry I pushed you!" I apologized as the sob released from my throat. "Its okay baby, I know you didnt mean to,you dont have to go to school today if you dont want to" Roman said in a whisper to me.
     I ha dthought it over abd shook my head "I-I have to get this over with" I said and stood up shakily. Roman and Patton following as i sat in the passenger seat of romans car,patton sitting in the back,and Roman getting in the driver seat.
     The ride to school was silent,I didnt know how to feel,I feel utterly terrified vecause of what happened, but know I have to go and get this over with.
     We walk into the school and all heads turn to look at me,I feel this pressure come over me and look down,quickly walking forward.
     They think you're a slut! You should just go now,theres no reason to stay,they all probably hate you for the whore you are
     The voice in my head tells me. I stare daggers into the ground as I walk forward for my locker,patton and Roman close behind me,and logan already waiting at the locker for me. I get to the locker and open it,grabbing my stuff and whispeting "they're all looking at me!" To Logan. He nodded and helped walk me to class,patton and romam going there desperate ways after roman gave me a kiss on the cheek.
     Logan was by my side most of that day. After psychology, Mr. Picani held me after class and assured me that he was open to talk any time if i needed,i thanked him then left. I tried my damned hardest not to go by that bathroom,and barely succeeded, I had to pass it too many times for comfort. Passing it no times woulda been great! I think to myself.
     At lunch,anyone who walked passed me gave me a sympathetic look and walked on,i ended up not eating,I felt too horrible to eat,so i just basically stared at my food while the otgers chatted and pretended that this was completely normal,like nothing happened.
     I knew i had to go to work soon,but Remus had agreed to cover my shifts until I was ready to come in.
    Its been a week since i started going back to school,and today,I successfully went into work, Remus asked if I was alright after handing me an apron and made sure that if i needed to,I could leave any time.
     Whike working,I saw a familiar man and realized, it was the guy who had groped me on one of my first days! Remus was on his break and I didn't want to bother him, so, after some breathing, I went out with a pen and paper,then asked his order,he,of course, recognized me and smirked. I took his order and and quickly headed dehind the counter before he could try anything,the cook had quickly made his order and handed me the plate, i took it out to him and placed it on the table "here is your order sir" I say,my voice shaky as hell,I turn and feel his hand groping me. Tears struck my eyes as anger flooded through me,flashes of what happened flashing through my mind, and before i coukd process what had happened, the man was on the ground and holding his crotch.
     I rushed out of there as tears flooded my vision,i head through the back and see Remus. "H-hey I'm a-sorry to bother you but c-can you take over the rest of my shift?" I ask with a tiny sob Remus looks at me in surprise but just nods and runs inside.
     My shaky hands reach for my phone,I grab it and speed dial Roman, he picks up after the second ring "Hey baby! Whats up?" His voice spurts through the phone, all I can do is sob, i hear a small gasp and worry flood through romans voiceas he quickly speaks. "Baby! Whats wrong? Do i need to come get you?"  He asks I cant answer,I just sob again,and again,tears falling onto the dark pavement. "Hold on baby! I'll be there soon" I hear a click and my phone turns off,he hung up.
     My sobs and turned into tiny hics by the time Roman got there, remus had led him to the back with me and he helped me to the car. "Do you wanna talk about it?" He asks once we're in the car, i just shake my head and lean it against the window.
     After that day,we decided all together that i should go to therapy, my first appointment is in a week. Maybe I can finally let out my feelings,and maybe even talk about what happened. I think you myself in bed that night, I eventually fall asleep,but I know it won't last long...

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