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>>Riley's P.O.V<<

"need some rescuing?" Zayn asked walking over to bed slowly. I didn't know what to say. What to do. Anything! I was so confused! "Um yeah." I smiled a little. He smiled as he sat next to me on the bed. "Riley." He started talking reversely. "We need to talk." He looked into my eyes and my heart melted. I looked down at my hands scared of what was coming next. We are already broken up and all but what if he never wants to talk to me again. What if- "Riley are you even listening?" Zayn cut off my thoughts. Oh shit! He was talking the whole time. "Yes! Well no Zayn I'm sorry I-" "no Riley I'm sorry I shouldn't even try anymore." And with that he started to get up from the bed. "Zayn no! I'm sorry I was thinking. I was just scared." He spun around before saying "scared? Scared of what?!" He was mad. I didn't know what to say. I don't even know why i was scared. "That's what I thought." And he was gone. "I'm scared because I'm still inlove with you." But it was to late. I always ruin everything. A single tear left my eye as I fell to sleep.

Jaylyns pov

"Morning babe." Niall whispers softly into my ear and I flicker my eyes open. "Hi." I smile sitting up. I looked over at the clock and screamed before throwing myself back under the covers! "What's wrong?!" Niall asked scared. "It's 4:30! I need sleep!" I yelled trying to force myself to sleep. But I failed. I could hear Niall laughing softy to himself. I pulled the covers down to where he could see my eyes, "why are you laughing? It's to early to laugh!" I mumbled. "Jay we have to leave in a few hours to America, and all of us have to shower and get ready." Oh shit! I forgot all about that. "Well I will get ready last! Go ahead and take a shower." I tossed out before coving my face again. "Or you could come shower with me." Niall said cheekily before stepping into the bathroom. "Shut up Horan!" I yelled out before getting up to go into the living room. I couldn't sleep after seeing Niall. He was to perfect I couldn't get the messed up, perfectly imperfect, blond hair out of my head.

When I made it into the living room Riley was sitting on the floor on Tumblr it looked like, Liam and Louis looked upset sitting in the couch playing with there hands as if they were in deep thought. And Harry, well he was walking around in a...well a, banana ham-pic I guess they would call them? I'm just not going to ask. I walked and sat next to Riley and teased my head on her shoulder. "Hey!" She said looking around, "where's Niall?" "Taking a shower." Where's the girls?" I asked. "Well Lindseys in the shower and El and Dani just left, can't you tell? Like just look at them!" She moved her gaze to Lou and Liam. I felt bad for them. It must be hard for them to deal with not seeing them for such a long time. At least Harry and Lindsey go on tour with each other.

"Okay! We have two hours. Riley, Jay, you guys need to get ready so us lads can." Liam said snapping out if his trans. We both nodded an started to stand up. "Oh and wake Zayn up would ya?" Louis asked with puppy eyes. "Of course." We both said

Riley's pov

"Zaynie pooh." I said rubbing his back lightly. "Zayn it's time to get up." "You sound like his mom!" Jaylyn laughed. "Shut up!" I laughed with her. Zayn started to move, reaching his arms out from the covers tuning to face us. "What?" Zayn spoke with a sleeply voice. God it was sexy. "Louis said you needa wake up." I told him. He pulled his phone out looking at the time, it wa: 4:45. "No!" He yelled tuning back over. "What?" I asked confused. "It's to early!" He wined. "THAT'S WHAT I SAID!" Jay yelled. I looked at her awkwardly.."ima go see if Nialls out....." Then she ran out leaving me with Zayn. Errrrrk. "Zaynnnn pleases get up I want to take a shower! It's cold!" I begged. "Take one and I will be up when you get out..I promise." He mumbled trying to cover up more. "No you won't." I giggled. "Just get up!" I said rocking him back an froth. "Stop!" He yelled before turning to face me again. I smiled lightly. I couldn't tell if he was still mad at me or not. It was really cold in his room though! He always did that, makes it really cold then just sits in bed under the covers, he love his bed almost as much as he loved himself. "Why's it so cold?" I asked trying to break the silence. "I like it that way, are you cold?" He asked as I nodded my head. "Come here." He said lifting the covers for me it get under, I hesitated but did it. I snuggled into him with my back against his bare chest as he wrapped his arms around me and rested his chin on my head. "Better?" He questioned. "Little bit." I smiled we just sat there. But it wasn't awkward or anything. It was... Perfect. I started to fall asleep as whispered "I still love you Zayn." Then I dozed off in his arms.

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