The Question

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Riley POV

Riley: Hey James I'm going to my house to get some new clothes. I'll be back in a few minutes

James: Yo, wait I'm coming with you

Riley and James walk our to the drive way only to find broken glass everywhere. All the windows on Emily's car are broken and all the tires are gone.

Riley: What. Where. Who would do something like this? EMILY IS GOING TO KILL ME!!!!!!!!!!

James: It's ok I'll drive

Riley: And what about Emily's  car

James: We could tell Emily to come here then we could tell her. OK

Riley: Ok, fine bu

James: Don't worry about it  

《At Riley's House》

Riley: * opens door. J/R walk in *

James* sees Emily and Hunter* Riley *points  to them *

Riley: So cute. But I gotta wake her up

James: No just get your things then leave her a note

Riley: Fine. I'll be right back

《《《A Few Minutes Later 》》》

Hunter POV 

When I wake up I try to get up but there was something on my chest. That something was a sleeping Emily. So I let her sleep.

Emily:* wakes up *

Hunter: Good morning

Emily: Morning. I'm do you sleep here last night

Hunter: Yeah and here * hands Emily the note * so I'm gonna go home now. See you later

Emily: Ok * reads note * can you drop me off at James place?

Hunter: Sure

Emiky: Meet me in the drive way in 20 minutes

Hunter goes home

Emily: The are going to be a question I really don't know the answer to

                                      《《 20 MINUTES LATER》》

Emily walks to the drive way where Hunter is

Hunter: Ready to go

Emily: To Yeah let's go

                                         《《AT JAMES HOUSE》》

Emily and Hunter walk to the front door

Emily: Hunter van you came with  me

Hunter: Ok

Emily: * knocks on door * Hi James. Um 1 question who's car is all broken in your drive way, cause it looks like mine

Riley: Have a seat

                                     They all sit down

Riley: Yeah about, it is your car and some really dumb person did that. I'm really sorry

Emily: So it's my car. Um James where is your bathroom

James: Second door on your left

Emily: Thank you * walks to the bathroom and shouts so loud *

Hunter: I'm going to talk to her

Hunter and Emily talk, then walk our of the bathroom

James: Hunter here

Riley: Emily here

(A/N: Emily and Riley Hunter and James. James and Hunter are outside while Emily and Riley are inside)

James: Tell me, do you like Emily or not

Riley: Do you like Hunter

Hunter: I don't know

James: But you should

Hunter: But I don't

James: Ok so how do you feel about her?

Hunter: I really like her .........

James: So you do like Emily

Hunter: Yeah I like Emily

Emily: Maybe, I don't know

Riley: What do you mean you don't know

Emily: I just don't know

Riley: How do you feel about Hunter

Emily: Well, I like being around him, talking to him. OMG I LIKE HUNTER

Riley:I knew it

                                           《《LATER THAT DAY》》

Hunter: Emily do you wanna hang out this weekend

Emily: Sure. I love to

A/N: Sorry about the long wait. I hope you liked the chapter and thanks to the 250 readers reading this book. Ps the video at the top is the trailer for season 3


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