"Pregnancy test"

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i was in front of the mirror lifting up my blouse looking into my stomach when louis came in. he kissed my forehead and grabbed me my waist looking me from the mirror "you are stunning", louis grabbed his toothbrush.

"is not that" -i said

"then what is?" -he didn't even look worried

"i feel swollen and i don't know how to explain this but.." 

his face changed and after brushing his teeth he came over me.

"i have half month delayed on my period, i didn't want to say anything because i'm not regular but this time i feel different.."

louis grabbed my hands to say "we will do a test tomorrow until now don't worry about anything". 

at the next morning i woke up and louis wasn't by my side, so i went to make some breakfast, i was eating hot cakes when louis came in

"i bouhg lots of pregnancy test...just in case" 

i went to the bathroom and louis was watching tv but i knew he was a bit nervous. after all...this wasn't planning we are not prepare for a baby, but having one with louis would be the best gift ever. 

"we have to wait 3 minutes" - i said holding the pregnancy test on my hand

i was so nervous that my leg was moving so fast, the new was killing me but louis put his hand over my leg 

"everything will be okay"

i couldn't hold my thoughts anymore and in a moment of desperation i said

"louis i want to spend the rest of my life with you but i'm only 18, i have to finish school and you are famous and imagine what the fans will say or worst, the media i don't wanna be the reason of you letting the band and i-" - before saying something else louis kissed me making me shut up

"the only thing that matters now is you, don't give a shit what media can say"

five minutes later i went to the bathroom and i took the test, my eyes couldn't believe what i saw, i tried not to cry, i was happy but sad, all the kind of emotions in one second, louis went to see me and he grabbed the test from my hand

"oh...well this is fine...right?"

"yes.." -and i couln't take it anymore, i started crying and louis just hold me so strong- "i'm sorry i'm sorry i should be happy but i just-"

"sh sh i know i know"- louis was telling me all the kind of beautiful words to make me smile but this is hard

"maybe it wasn't the time babe, look at me, we will  have a family , a huge one, okay? one day this gonna happen, and we will laugh of this moment 

"i love you louis"

"i love you even more"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2015 ⏰

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