chapter 3

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Mingyu s POV

How dare u kill my girlfriend kwon soonhee I will kill you no matter what,

Soonhees POV

Appa please help me please I don't want to go to jail please don't let mingyu to do this please

Don't worry soon hee  I'll ganna  do everything' to not make it in to jail
Wait u said that we they are a party tonight and he will come!

Yes appa why!

Your problem has been sold

Hey agata! Bring hoshi here and gibe him food understand
Why all of a sudden appa
Is my brother ganna leave now'.
No soon he he is ur savior.

Hoshis POV.

I'm on my bed when agata my fathers secretary called me well yes his my father but after he now's that I'm not a normal human means I'm a half human half hybrid I'm only 3 years old when I last see the world I'm 23 now so its almost  20 yrs

Hey your father called you stand up

Really I can leave now out of happiness I jump and ended falling in my butt fuck why I'm so weak.

Hey,listen here even if I let u get outside it doest mean that ur my son I don't a son whose abnormal or more to say not a human
Tonight you will come with me and you stay in one of the rooms when a  person came make sure to wear a mask and do anything what the person want to do and remember this don't u ever bring any noise or else I'll kill you.

But what if he tried to do something bad,
I answer trembling because the scenario keep reeping  my mind.

Punch you kick u or kill you don't dis  obey him even if he want to rape you I don't care just do as he want understand,.

I nod silently I though he will Hanna accepte but know he only want to use me for his own benefits worse use my body.

Oh my god first of all I'm so so sorry for the wring spelling and grammar fell free to write a comment to make this book really good I hope I can't do more next time,
Oh yeah seungkwan is really cute and handsome at the same time

not enough for forgiveness(soongyu,moshi)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant