chapter 11

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Hoshi's POV

I'm walking on the street after I get out of mingyu's house I'm thankful that he never hurt me,

Baby I'm sorry for not telling ur father that u will exist in this world I'm just being careful I don't want to risk ur life please understand me!

I speak to my small baby bump if someone's sees they will think that I'm chubby because I have a slight big stomach.

But then I halted my walk when I forget to contact my friend seungkwan but when I'm looking at my phone I can't feel anything in my pocket then it hit me may be I forgot to get it in mingyu house

I'm on my way to mingyu house when I see a familiar van and its my fathers Nissan white van shiver run through my body when my eyes meet my father his dark aura is sorrounding the road my body reflex come to senses and I run to the opposite side to escape mytears flow when I feel that they are coming closer to me is it really the end I don't to kill an innocent life out of nervousness I pray to god that maybe, maybe just for the babies sake to help us escape the monster to will trying to kill him and his child and when their is some one grab his hand that's it he lost his hope,

He is waiting for the imfact of  hurting punching or something that will ganna stop his agony but when he open his eyes what he see is never in his life he will expected its the same man who make him like this and torture him at the same time ,its Kim ming yu

Mr Kim what are you doing here,hoshi said
I came here to get u and protect you I know that your confused and scared but let talk later more important is to take you away from here.

Then he carried me to his black SUV and drive fast to his home

Mingyu POV
I came outside hoping to see hoshi and I'm lucky to see his still outside but I see someone following him and its his father anger took over me I know what he want he want to kill my baby that hoshi is carrying as if I'll ganna let him so I think past and go to the other route and captured hoshi

He look shock and scared at the same time so I ask him not to be scared and I will explain all in the safe place I carried him and drive fast in my house

Hoshi I know that ur scared and confused but let me explain first isaid to him and he only nod in understanding

First I'm sorry for what I've done to you believed me I don't know anything about you if I know I will not ganna do it I let my head Down in shame and waiting for many curse that will come in his mouth but what I heard make me lift my head and shock in the highest level I'm not prepare for what his words saying,

I'm sorry because I can't help my self I love you Mr Kim!

Really! Just fucking really he love me ? How! I'm a devil my self.

No hoshi that's not the case I hurt you and I cause you trouble and ,and  and I can't burst it out loud,

I impregnated you I lower my gaze I want to cry but I know even crying is not deserving for me,

He smile to me and to be thrue this is the first time that I see his face without those hurful and worry face only calm imprinted him I mentally curse my self ,
( your idiot mingyu ! You see his a total definition of an angel his beautiful picture is not bittable you distroy an innocent beauty!)

I'm going to speak but he cut me by speaking first,

( I'm not that hard man all I want is to keep my baby safe from anykind of harm
And to have some shelter for the two of us that is the only important matter to me I don't want anything only my baby's present makes me feel at east)

I can protect you two and secured you please let me help you!

But you know that I don't have anything that I can exchange to your help and you also know that I'm not a real full human,

My father always tell me that I'm a monster can you endured it?

Your father is more like a monster and for you I think your an angel so please don't feel bad with your self your rearness not means ur ugly but means ur special, so ask what ask I've told you being different is nothing to be ashamed its something you have to be proud of.

OK if you enxist   but where do we leave?

You come home with me and also I think its my responsibility because I'm the father of ur child!

OK let's go its getting dark now let's go inside!

Oh my  annyeong hasaeyo chinku tarahasaeyo ne

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