Chapter two : A choice for better

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Ethelinda kept her cool and stuck to her decision to walk out by herself, rather than think otherwise. She knew her father would never sell her; he had loved her too much to commit such an atrocity against her.
However, her decision, once revealed, was met with a request from her parents - to know what she had in mind. It was nothing out of the blue for Ethelinda as she knew her parents respected her as a person and her thoughts as well. Ethelinda obliged by telling her parents what she thought of the whole situation. She knew it was going to be the most unsatisfactory response she had given to them during the seventeen years of her life.
Ethelinda's parents were quiet the whole time she spoke. Their eyes were grave as they stared at their elder daughter who had gone from a laughing child to serious woman overnight. Silent tears streaked the face of Ethelinda's middle aged mother, who impulsively pulled her daughter into a hug as her husband quietly watched.
Ethelinda gently freed herself from her mother's arms and knelt before her. Her mother followed the suite and knelt before her already kneeling daughter. Her father left the room as he could not bear to his daughter's words of unparalleled wisdom which would defeat him and his wife.
Ethelinda took her mother by the shoulders and spoke in a gentle reassuring voice, no doubt meant to soothe her mother who had already begun to grieve a daughter she was to lose.

"Mother, you have taught me well. These seventeen years you brought me up ... The years are not in vain. You have taught me everything I need to know and more. You taught me to think for myself, which in itself is a blessing bestowed upon the fortunate.
And I have thought for myself. I know what to do. I am not afraid. I know this will work out. Wish me the best and let me leave. If the stars have conspired for us to return to each other again, we will. Have faith in me."

Ethelinda's mother smiled, despite the tears which were flowing. It was a smile, one that spoke pride without having to use words.

"I have nothing but good faith in you. Fare you well, my dear."

Ethelinda smiled with tears brimming in her eyes. Her mother leaned over as she hugged her daughter for what felt like the last time. Ethelinda held on, not wanting to let go but knowing otherwise.

Both of them rose and left the room and made their way towards the threshold of the room. Etienne and Esmeralda were seated on the floor, near the entrance. Both rose as they saw Ethelinda and their mother.

Ethelinda put on a brave face to face her siblings. However, it did not fool her siblings, for all of them had grown up with other in close proximity. They knew each other inside out and were like minded enough - enough, for the siblings to understand why Ethelinda had made her choice.

Ethelinda stood facing her siblings as her father's deep voice cut the silence in the room.

"My dear ..."

His voice faltered as the tears slowly made their way into his eyes.


Ethelinda moved to face her father and looked him straight in the face. His pride was unnoticeable because of his grief; if not, he would have been proud of the daughter he had brought up with his wife.

"I bid you farewell, father. Have faith in me."

"Good faith and nothing else, my dear.
You are our pride. It breaks my heart to see you go away like this. May the stars watch over you."

Ethelinda smiled and held out her hands to her father. He grasped her hands and lifted them to his lips. Ethelinda could feel his lips move in prayer. She shut her eyes and inhaled deeply.

"Farewell, father."

"Fare you well, my child."

Ethelinda stepped away from her father and moved to her siblings. Esmeralda and Etienne had softened, reassuring expressions on their faces, no doubt meant to comfort their sister who was to leave. Etienne swept his hand towards the room where the sisters shared.

"Shall we ?"

"Yes, Etienne."

Etienne, Esmerelda and Ethelinda stepped into the room. Ethelinda took a long glance at the room, trying to imprint the image of her safe haven into her memory. She sat down and her sibling followed the suit.

The siblings watched as Ethelinda struggled to find her words. What could she possibly tell them ? They were very close and knew each other only too well. Her words would be reminders. They were not expecting anything new - which was exactly the case.

"Both of you know what is to be done, don't you ?"

It was the same thing they asked one another if one of them were to do something they had never done before.

"Yes, we do."

The answer was a chorus.

"Good. I hope to see you both again."

Ethelinda stood up and walked over to the trunk kept in the corner of the room. Opening it , she took out a small cloth bag she had packed for herself, in the dead of the night. She hoisted it over her shoulder and walked to the threshold of the house.
She stopped for a moment and sighed deeply.

Farewell, my heart. I shall return one day.

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