Chapter three : New places

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Clutching her few belongings in her cloth bag, Ethelinda left home, not even turning back to look at her family huddled at the door watching her or to give her home one last look.

I will not be weak willed. I left home for a reason. I cannot look back now.

She replayed this mantra in her head as she walked. At first her steps were quick; however she slowed gradually - growing weary - but she did not stop. She made her to the village and stopped to ask for directions. Eyebrows raised themselves at the sight of Ethelinda's figure, wondering why she would be heading to the landlord's house.

"Follow the road till the end of the market. From the end, you shall find a well. Near the well, there is a shack where you will find a man who keeps the landlord's accounts for his produce to the market. He shall guide you for the rest of the way."

"Thank you."

Ethelinda made her way to the accountant who worked for the landlord. It was evident he did not have young women barging into his shack, asking for directions to his employer's residence.

"You mean, the landlord's house ?"

"Yes, good sir."

"Why do you want to see the landlord ?"

"It is something I wish to disclose to him, personally."

The man stared at her, in a way that should have made any woman uncomfortable. Ethelinda, however, did not seem bothered in the leas by his stare.

"I shall wait near the door till you are done for the day. I will follow you to your master's house."

With those words, Ethelinda left the shack and sat down, cross legged near the entrance.  The man was clearly in shock, he had never faced such a situation, especially one regarding a young woman. However, he went on with his work whilst Ethelinda waited for patiently.

In the late afternoon, the man finally decided to leave. As he stepped out, Ethelinda stood up and dusted the soil off her clothes. She quietly followed him away from the market interior to the landlord's place.

After walking for what seemed like an hour, Ethelinda found herself facing the biggest house she had ever seen. The man gently gestured her towards the stone slabs near the door. Ethelinda dropped her weary self onto the hot stone slab as the man went in, most probably to tell the landlord about her coming.

I hope he lets me work for him. I cannot deter from this. I must work and I pray he lets me.

"Young lady ..."

Ethelinda rose and turned to face the man.

"The landlord has agreed to see you."

Thank the spirits !

"Thank you, I wish you a good day."

Ethelinda stepped inside the house, clutching her cloth bag close. She was met by the landlord's wife, who then took her to the landlord's quarters.

"She is here."

Announcing Ethelinda's arrival, the lady of the house left. The landlord was seated on the floor on his prized animal skin.

Ethelinda sat down, facing him.

"What brings you here ?"

"I wish to work."

"Work ?"

"Yes, work."

The landlord raises his eyebrows. She knew why. He had not expected her to come, as he had seen the reluctance of her father.

"For how much ?"

"How much ?"

"Your price."

Ethelinda could not believe her ears. It was ridiculous. He thought her father had sold her.

"My father did not sell me."

"Then why are you here ?"

"I came here to work on my own free will. I chose for myself, unlike a thing which cannot choose for itself."

The landlord looked a little startled. He had not expected her to be a fierce woman, which, she - in fact - was.

"There is no work for you, not here."

NO !

The words made Ethelinda pale and she thought she felt the ground beneath her shake.

"Nowhere to work here ?"


The landlord seemed determined to not give her any work.

His word made her desperate, but she was suddenly struck by a line of thought. If he would not give her work, she might as well make him give her work.

Ethelinda stood up immediately and spoke.

"Then, I shall take your leave. A shame, really, but I shall consider your word and go elsewhere."

The landlord jerked his head in her direction.

"Leave ?"


She could understand his shrewd and quick calculating, for he immediately spoke.

"I suppose I could make space for you to work here."

"How can I hope to work here when you said you have no need for me to work here ?"

"Perhaps, I may have changed my mind."

Ethelinda felt his desperation grow. She played away.

"No sir, I shall ask for work at the hut at the other end of the market."

The hut at the market's opposite end belonged to the landlord's rival. Ethelinda knew if she were to go seek work there, the story of her seeking work would reach every corner of the market. The landlord could not afford a bad name for himself.

"I shall give you the work ..."

His voice trailed off.

"The work of ?"

He seemed to be thinking in a haste.

"I would prefer to work in the kitchens if you will permit me to."

"Then you shall work in kitchen and assist the cook."

Ethelinda smiled as the landlord realized his mistake.

"Thank you."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2020 ⏰

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